Jihad on You!2025-03-12T00:30:14-04:00Skullyurn:uuid:Mcconnellsburg pa Vincent e martz urn:uuid:1062652018-07-20T17:06:32-04:00Egor, egor, egor, egor, egor, egor, egor, egor. Grow up baby..You and your wife vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the egor will be sorry for what you did to family. You will face judgement before the throne of God.Get a job both of you instead of stealing money off of dad/pap you thief.You both take advantage and steal for free.We have you where we want you.You hide behind the scenes you are the ones that called fulton county pa child services on your sister, murdered her daughter,harrased and assulted your sister,mom,sister in law,your mom,stole from your dad picked on several family members.Your wife is going to prison and you egor are going to prison.I have so much on the both of you.I will be so happy to hear of both you fraudsters go down and suffer what is due you.oh what a day judgement is coming.You are a christian witness so wheres your fruit?You and your wife desirve punished, suffering, I cant wait till you both get a beating.egor,egor.egor.egor.eg or.egor.He's hurt me for the last time.urn:uuid:1062642018-07-18T02:04:23-04:00Some friend he turned out to be: a verbally abusive bully. He says it's wrong that I'm shy and that I prefer solitude. He constantly criticizes me, and tells me I have to change. Why should I change? I like my personality just the way it is. Who is he to demand that I change who I am? A true friend accepts you the way you are. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep all the time due to his verbal abuse and harsh criticism. It's people like him who are one of the reasons why I prefer being alone much of the time, because I don't like bullies. No more verbal abuse: not from him or anyone else.Puerto Ricansurn:uuid:1062632018-07-17T23:13:31-04:00Bomb Up Puerto Rico ! The most racist , insecured , conceited bitches . I am so tired of these ass holes using innocent people and government for money . They also hire their own people in the job industry instead of others . This has to Stop . They also bully people around ! That has to stop Flabby, creepy German guy in Sherman Oaks, CAurn:uuid:1062622018-07-11T18:29:55-04:00This creepy-looking, flabby German guy was smirking and ridiculing me on the bus on Ventura Blvd. in Sherman Oaks, CA (within Los Angeles). I have no idea why. I was just quietly sitting there, and he mad mocking faces at me. At least I'm not flabby and out of shape. And he was setting a bad example for his young, biracial son: do you really want to teach your kid abusive, bad manners? I hope this loser collapses on the sidewalk from a heart attack.Love youurn:uuid:1062612018-07-10T00:10:11-04:00FUCK i really hope were allowed to curse on here idk im new. but anyways, FUCKSHITBITCH i just said i love you and i got an "I appreciate it" NOUGH ive just ruined everything. and what makes it worse you may ask? IT WAS OVER TEXT. I am so ignorate and pointless i didnt even say it in person. JIHAD ON YOU SAY IT BACK.Puerto Ricansurn:uuid:1062602018-07-08T12:50:26-04:00Stop puerto ricans from being racist ! And give america back their money ! Ass Holes Dishonest businessurn:uuid:1062592018-07-05T22:41:44-04:00Avoid the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, California. The management deliberately overlooks screenings of their movies, and then they create a fake, sham "stand-by" line, in which people stand for up to an hour and a half. Then the management turns these people away. The Egyptian Theater pulls this unethical stunt almost every week. This is extremely unprofessional as well as disgusting. Avoid the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. It's a rip off scam.Shannon Kniffenurn:uuid:1062582018-06-29T21:54:48-04:00Compulsive liar without regard for the feelings of people she claims to love. Borders on sociopathic. Hasn’t worked in over a year and sleeps with people for a place to stay.All forumsurn:uuid:1062572018-06-29T16:27:07-04:00My favorite forum site is
it is way more anonymous and free and is the greatestCuntipalliurn:uuid:1062562018-06-28T03:39:10-04:00You annoying son of a bitch? You think you can boss around when the manager is away? You think that by sucking his cock all the time you are qualified to manage our workMy familyurn:uuid:1062552018-06-25T11:32:48-04:00Why must you guys pressure me into doing everything I don't want to do. I am not the perfect kid you think I am. Screw you for making me have anxiety attacks. Screw you for never listening to me. Screw your for lying to me and never understanding my reasons. JIHAD ON YOU FOR BEING STUPID HYPOCRITES WHO RUINED MY FUTURE THEN BLAMED IT ON ME. LET ME RECOVER AND FIX MY MENTAL HEALTH BEFORE YOU BASH ME DOWN AGAIN@ myselfurn:uuid:1062542018-06-20T11:27:07-04:00jesus chris WHY AM I LIKE THIS im a fatass whiny annoying stupid bitch. can i shut up ONCE amd not bother others with my own damn problems. fucking attention hungry dumbass. Gold digger Friends >:(urn:uuid:1062532018-06-14T08:13:57-04:00Mother fucker I know you're just using me. You obviously don't see me as a human being, oh you think I'll be your fucking atm. Oi fucktard guess what? You're fucking obvious motherfucker I'm not gonna go and pick you up. I told you I'm busy asshole, Oh fuck don't blame for you not getting a job you fucking suck in job interviews and you can't take proper criticism. Oh you think the fucking world will give you everything. Oh fuck I shouldn't talk like that because I'm "Rich" guess what fucktard my parents work hard and endure a lot especially my mother her boss is a fucking bitch. We're "Rich" because we save our money we didn't follow those bs trends you lots keep following. Oh don't blame me getting in a better school we both know I fucking work hard to get into that school, you think I had an easy time in that shithole heck if I didn't care about my parents I would pursue my dreams but no I need a degree that will get me a good job in our third world country. Oh and guess what my place is fucking flooded because if you watch the news like a proper adult you'll know its been raining for more than a week now, oh this is not some light rain, I'm talking about heavy rain the type that will flood the streets. Jesus fucking fuck do you know how hard it was just to go to my job on time. Well fuck of course not you dick. I'm gonna distance from you lots, I was weak back then and needed friends but guess what I'm fucking dead inside now. I don't need a lot of friends I just need a few I can trust. Oh yeah wanna know why I'm hurt because we spent 4 years as friend and now you're gonna treat me like this. Oh you want the easy life, get a fucking job don't be fucking picky dickhead. Heck I'm not happy with my job or degree.Laura Winterink STD!urn:uuid:1062522018-06-13T01:51:36-04:00I wish I had listened to my boy not to hook up with this wretched fat cow, everyone know she nasty. Watch out - she has a thing for dark meat and hooking up at work.Laura winterink in baton rouge !urn:uuid:1062512018-06-07T15:40:16-04:00I met her on pof and she seemed okay. Typical chick with self esteem issues who likes to bang a guy on the side. Next thing I knew I had an std. It definitely wasn't worth it. I tried talking to her on Facebook about it and she blocked me. I hope this bitch gets what she deserves.Teourn:uuid:1062502018-06-06T08:43:01-04:00fgtMy dearest motherurn:uuid:1062492018-05-31T22:06:48-04:00I CAN'T FRICKIN FINISH THE ACTUAL ENTIRE YEAR OF SCIENCE IN THREE FUCKING DAY. SERIOUSLY STOP GIVING ME SHIT FOR TAKING A GODDAMN THREE MIN BREAK AFTER WORKING MY ASS OFF ALL DAYJimatron9kurn:uuid:1062482018-05-30T16:41:30-04:00You are being assaulted for thy act of greed, lust and big-talk which you cannot live up to.MYSELFurn:uuid:1062472018-05-26T16:43:21-04:00I'm so addicted to pornography and its taking over my life :(
FOR THAT REASON, I DECLARE JIHAD ON MYSELFWhite supremacists urn:uuid:1062462018-05-16T19:48:29-04:00YALL DUMB FUCKS NEED TO GROW UP!! THE WORLD DOESNT REVOLVE AROUND YOU OH MY GODRahim Mohammedi Ghomiurn:uuid:1062452018-05-10T18:43:02-04:00Jihad on you Rahim. Shame on you!!! Yashiurn:uuid:1062442018-05-05T15:24:23-04:00I am horny girl looking for hot and steamy sex.
https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2018/5/5/c27fc0d2577532ff51bd12004b2c4bfb-full.jpgShe who I thought I lovedurn:uuid:1062432018-05-03T23:11:55-04:00We've been through a lot! We've hated and needed each other, or at least I thought so. I knew you'd never love me, but I grew attached anyway, despite your warning. I told you I loved you and your reaction was, "okay." I don't have it in me to stop with this, but I have to move on. You can't love me, you won't let me love you, and now I feel like shit. I really do love you, you'll never see or accept that though. To moving on, jihad on you.A Dude Spamming iTellowsurn:uuid:1062422018-04-27T10:16:58-04:00Feel free to report his posts as spam. There's no reason why he'll take as much space as possible. Follow the link sent to you and delete the message from il.tellows.org. My dumb assurn:uuid:1062412018-04-24T01:40:28-04:00I think I'm falling for my boyfriends best friends
I don't think I'm bored in my relationship but he's not the only person I feel like i have my eye on. He is my first real relationship and I think I might be itching to know what other relationships are like. I also have this feeling that I want to spend the rest of my days with him.
I am also developing feelings for a guy in an extended part of my friend group.
I don't know what to do about this.