Jihad on You! - General2025-03-12T00:43:05-04:00Skullyurn:uuid:He's hurt me for the last time.urn:uuid:1062642018-07-18T02:04:23-04:00Some friend he turned out to be: a verbally abusive bully. He says it's wrong that I'm shy and that I prefer solitude. He constantly criticizes me, and tells me I have to change. Why should I change? I like my personality just the way it is. Who is he to demand that I change who I am? A true friend accepts you the way you are. I'm tired of crying myself to sleep all the time due to his verbal abuse and harsh criticism. It's people like him who are one of the reasons why I prefer being alone much of the time, because I don't like bullies. No more verbal abuse: not from him or anyone else.Flabby, creepy German guy in Sherman Oaks, CAurn:uuid:1062622018-07-11T18:29:55-04:00This creepy-looking, flabby German guy was smirking and ridiculing me on the bus on Ventura Blvd. in Sherman Oaks, CA (within Los Angeles). I have no idea why. I was just quietly sitting there, and he mad mocking faces at me. At least I'm not flabby and out of shape. And he was setting a bad example for his young, biracial son: do you really want to teach your kid abusive, bad manners? I hope this loser collapses on the sidewalk from a heart attack.Dishonest businessurn:uuid:1062592018-07-05T22:41:44-04:00Avoid the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood, California. The management deliberately overlooks screenings of their movies, and then they create a fake, sham "stand-by" line, in which people stand for up to an hour and a half. Then the management turns these people away. The Egyptian Theater pulls this unethical stunt almost every week. This is extremely unprofessional as well as disgusting. Avoid the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. It's a rip off scam.@ myselfurn:uuid:1062542018-06-20T11:27:07-04:00jesus chris WHY AM I LIKE THIS im a fatass whiny annoying stupid bitch. can i shut up ONCE amd not bother others with my own damn problems. fucking attention hungry dumbass. Laura Winterink STD!urn:uuid:1062522018-06-13T01:51:36-04:00I wish I had listened to my boy not to hook up with this wretched fat cow, everyone know she nasty. Watch out - she has a thing for dark meat and hooking up at work.MYSELFurn:uuid:1062472018-05-26T16:43:21-04:00I'm so addicted to pornography and its taking over my life :(
FOR THAT REASON, I DECLARE JIHAD ON MYSELFRahim Mohammedi Ghomiurn:uuid:1062452018-05-10T18:43:02-04:00Jihad on you Rahim. Shame on you!!! Competitions in hearts of ironurn:uuid:1062392018-04-07T21:44:03-04:00Aryans are zhe superior race all ozher races have no right to exist! Death to zhe inferior jew subhumans! death to bolshevism and ozher vorthless subhuman nations! meine sturmtropen vill march through moscow before zhis day is done! ve shall triumph und exterminate all zhe puny subhumans! glory to zhe reich! heil hitler!Godurn:uuid:1062382018-04-07T18:33:16-04:00God hates fags! homosexuality and transgender operations are crimes against god and should be illegal! why can't those fucking faggots just be straight and have normal genders like normal people! niggers are the inferior race and should serve white males and not complain about it! it has been proven that niggers have lower iqs than normal people and are closer to monkeys than men! isreal has no right to exist1 semites have a different religion and go against god's ways! those kikes don't deserve to exist eitherDrewurn:uuid:1062372018-04-07T13:18:39-04:00fuck you and every other arab/kebab! you are the worst, like you have nothing better to do than cause shit in europe and other countries! your own country sucks and is full of terrorists and douchebags! remove kebab!Sunjot urn:uuid:1062362018-04-01T22:30:35-04:00I can't stand it when you rub up on me. Like I understand that I'm irresistible but you have to keep in mind that I'm straight and giving me a boner whenever you lick my ears only makes me question my sexuality. I do not want to take things any further than this, so I hope the next time we meet up, you don't intentionally bend over in order to show me your new g-string you are wearing underneath your crusty ass sweatpants.Childish bully at Sherman Oaks Whole Foodsurn:uuid:1062342018-03-22T18:44:50-04:00Today, this idiot woman (blonde hair) standing to the left of the front door at Whole Foods at 4520 N. Sepulveda Blvd. in Sherman Oaks was a rude bully, smirking at me at ridiculing me. I have no idea why people who shop at Whole Foods feel the need to be so mean-spirited and rude. I hope this nitwit collapses from a stroke.My so called best friends urn:uuid:1062292018-03-05T17:15:51-05:00ARGHHH. ok so my two best friends are super awesome and funny, but they make these jokes about me, but sometimes they take it too far. I don't want to lose my friends since they are like the only friends i have. But i also don't want to be the butt of a joke anymore.Tony Pinnockurn:uuid:1062252018-02-16T15:08:56-05:00Fuck You Detective Tony Pinnock of the Toronto Police. You THIEF, Wife Cheater and Dickhead!Lynnurn:uuid:1062182018-01-12T19:15:29-05:00Oh bitch, you’re gonna burn and die one day and you can take your shitty attitude problem with you. Nothing but a brat, and a slut. you deserve everything that’s coming to you... karma is going to destroy you and everyone close to you. fuck you.Alevis the stealerurn:uuid:1062142017-12-11T16:21:14-05:00Go fuck yourself, you pile of lies, deception and failure. Jihad on you!! And you're so called "Friends" wich you machieviously fool till today.CUNTurn:uuid:1062112017-12-06T12:13:20-05:00FUCK YOU CUNT YOURE GONNA BURN AT THE END OF MY STICK YOU FUCKDepressionurn:uuid:1062102017-11-29T21:47:34-05:00Fuck you depression. Let me LIVE DAMMIT!Vincent e martz the egorurn:uuid:1062012017-11-02T21:34:16-04:00
freddy gordon
09.11.2016, 22:02:18
Vincent e martz egor
Vincent martz 5692 little cove rd, mercersburg pa 17236
Someone who knows the family � Vincent why do u put stuff on here about your family grow up stop acting like a fool you was there when you mother passed but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart cussing harrasment assalt on your family threats shall i go on satan your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is possed with demons and is satan.he is at fault for the death of Nikki martz and the family hates this egor�
Someone who knows the family � Vincent why do u put stuff on here about your family grow up stop acting like a fool you was there when you mother passed but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart cussing harrasment assalt on your family threats shall i go on satan your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is possed with demons and is satan.he is at fault for the death of Nikki martz and the family hates this egor for this.
Posted 4 months ago
1 2 3 4 5
E-gor vincent e martz 5692 little cove rd, Mercersburg pa
Egor Someone, usually a disliked human, who feigns a friendship with others and families in the presumption that everyone and family will return that friendship, but no one likes him/her not our families the martzs (except for the 1 or 2 attention whore sidekicks). E-gor's can often be found at places/parties where they are not accepted, invited, or liked.Egor vincent martz is not part of the harold martz jr. family we hate him.�
Posted 3 months agoReportVincent E Martz, Phone number: (717) 328-4503, State: PA, City: Mercersburg, Zip Code: 17236-9476�
Posted 1 month agoReportVincent e martz 717-328-4503 listed address 5692 little cove rd, mercersburg pa 17236 subject drives a white jeep patroit pa plate ece7109�
Posted 6 days agoReport
Radio personality Dennis Prager is a con artist.urn:uuid:1061952017-09-28T00:28:38-04:00Radio personality Dennis Prager is a phony, because you can never get through to his official number: (877) 243-7776. This number is permanently busy 24/7. This proves Dennis Prager is a con artist phony.Boyfriendurn:uuid:1061902017-09-19T11:56:27-04:00For beeswax burning assholes sake! Stop looking at other women online! Stop not going out anywhere on your own, you're disgusting, you're lazy, you're poor, you've bled me dry and still treat me like shit. Move out AL-FUCKING-READY!This PC phony making up a fake story about his daughterurn:uuid:1061862017-09-04T00:42:48-04:00Oh, come on! She's an airhead and a total nitwit with no brains, because she posted a ridiculous video on her social media page about some pretentious, pompous British guy saying that his little six year-old daughter gave an hour-long lecture about "smashing the patriarchy" and some other trash about how kids should be "gender-neutral"! In the first place, a child that young would have to be coached by her parents in order to speak that way - and in any case, I don't believe a word this guy is saying; he was just making up a bunch of B.S. in order to be the center of attention. The broad who posted this stupid video is a phony herself - always lecturing that we all have to be PC. She's one of these politically correct, leftist, extremist bullies. Puke!Rude staff @ Crossroads Trading Co in Studio City, CAurn:uuid:1061782017-06-28T13:09:57-04:00There's no excuse for rude, verbally abusive behavior from retail sales staff. Yesterday morning, June 27, 2017, I stopped by Crossroads Trading Co. in Studio City, California (a community in Los Angeles) in order to sell them two pairs of shoes that were in good condition, and I was treated horribly. The woman behind the counter (wearing all-black clothing, lots of makeup, bleached hair) was beyond rude; she was condescending and very insulting to me. She said they only accept "VERY high-end shoes", in a snotty, patronizing tone, and she smirked and rolled her eyes at me. I was hurt and humiliated. When I called to speak with a manager regarding the rude employee, the woman who took my call hung up on me. How cowardly. You should check out all the other negative reviews of the Studio City store on Yelp. Never will I ever go back to Crossroads. These people are disgusting.PC thought policeurn:uuid:1061772017-06-13T15:01:13-04:00Being politically correct (PC) has become a cult. These PC social justice warrior bullies are so fanatical about their beliefs to the point where they've become a mind-control cult. Google "warning signs of being in a cult", and most of this relates perfectly to the politically correct wackos and fanatics. PC bullies are not so much interested in justice as they are in telling everyone else what to do, what to say and how to say it, what to think. PC types are bullies.PC jerks who say "cis"urn:uuid:1061762017-06-09T19:32:01-04:00You'd have to be a pretentious, pompous idiot to use stupid, made-up words like "cis".