Jihad on You! - Politics 2025-03-12T07:22:29-04:00 Skully urn:uuid: Galing mo pare. urn:uuid:106194 2017-09-27T22:02:21-04:00 Ganyan ka pala sa pulitika. Makapangyarihan ka na. Tapakan lang ang tao sa tingin mo ay langgam, sa maikling komento lamang. Bato bato sa langit lang pre. Idadamay mo ba ang lahat kapag napikon ka? Seriously? Pag napikon ka, baka totoo. Bernie Sanders is an A-Hole urn:uuid:106066 2016-04-17T05:25:04-04:00 I'm tired of that fraud Bernie Sanders and his mentally unstable followers. His hysterical, Howard Dean screaming is tiresome, and his empty promises are wrong. Also, it was cynical of him to switch from Socialist to Democratic, just to get votes. His airhead, fanatical supporters irrationally scream about "free college", because they have no brains. Yoga snobs are jerks. urn:uuid:106059 2016-03-10T16:40:57-05:00 Yoga snobs – people who think they’re better than you because they’ve practiced Yoga longer than you – are jerks. What kind of a schmuck tries to think they’re superior, acting like a snob? So childish and stupid. Jews urn:uuid:106047 2016-02-09T06:27:09-05:00 I'll fkn rekt u kunta Albert Augustine, District Judge urn:uuid:106038 2015-12-20T03:48:08-05:00 I declare a motherfucking jihad on you and your family. You are worthless piece of cowshit and it's not over yet. Stupid Fat Racist Black Feminazi urn:uuid:106032 2015-11-27T10:31:02-05:00 https://m.facebook.com/profile/picture/view/?profile_id=100009890079127&ref=m_notif¬if_t=like I thought your rant and attempted drunken verbal assault against that one non-racist Black chick was hilarious. I mean strawman after strawman of useless bullshit. But I guess your inferior ill-bred brain can't really comprehend complex issues, not surprising for a woman that was on Maury several times. Maybe you should put down the forty and lay off the purpdrank, might save your brain cells. But seriously I was scared your fatass would eat that smart chick. I mean I don't hate Black people but I hate niggers. So for the sake of women, smart Blacp people and the entire human face Jihad on you ya fat ugly sow So typical urn:uuid:106030 2015-11-14T13:37:11-05:00 So predictable that psychotically fanatical social justice warriors (Tumblr loonies included) will say that racists are mourning the Paris tragedy, because most French citizens are white – as if they think us white people deserve terrorist attacks. And these social justice warriors schmucks fail to realize that Paris is a multi-ethnic city, which means that people of color living and/or working in Paris were also wounded yesterday. Only a politically correct schmuck would turn a terrorist tragedy into the Oppression Olympics. Oh, and to culturally appropriate a pet word of PC mentally unstable fanatics, PC fanatics are the real “asshats”, sorry. Islamic terrorists and their financiers urn:uuid:106029 2015-11-13T20:27:07-05:00 You are mistaken to think that America isn't up to the task of annihilating you. Politically correct moderators at L.A. KABC news website urn:uuid:106028 2015-11-13T06:21:21-05:00 Irrational protest at Claremont McKenna College in southern California. This was featured on the local Los Angeles KABC website. I wrote: “I see the politically correct moderators deleted my response, because it was not politically correct; that’s very sad. The problem is, dear HippoCrazy, is that politically correct types are bullying control freaks. I was once informed that because I’m Anglo, I’m not allowed to eat Italian or Greek food, or listen to the blues, because that would be cultural appropriation. Bizarre. I was once told by a politically correct bully that when I attend my local zoo, because I’m white, I shouldn’t look at exhibits of African animals, such as African lions, zebras, or giraffes, because that would be cultural appropriation. Truly bizarre.” These statements of mine are true and actually took place. It’s sad that a moderator on the Los Angeles KABC website has deleted this specific comment of mine three times in a row, simply because this individual disagrees with my opinion – even though I never uttered any threats, and I never posted spam, and I never troll; therefore, there’s no intelligent or rational reason for the Los Angeles KABC website moderator to remove my posting, Very sad that law enforcement bows to political pressure urn:uuid:106017 2015-10-11T09:36:41-04:00 It's very sad when both police departments and Sheriff's departments in the Los Angeles area become so weirdly politically correct that they encourage black and Hispanic people to physically attack white people in the most violent and illegal ways. Would you like Internal Affairs to investigate this? That's not a threat - it's a promise. To cops and Sheriff's deputies who encourage violence towards white citizens: is it worth it to lose your job due to firing? Then, you would not be able to take care of yourself and any children you might have, you foolish, anti-white, politically correct idiots, sorry. Un-American censorship urn:uuid:106009 2015-10-03T12:12:35-04:00 Stay away from the popular venting website Muttr; the moderators have a new policy of censoring comments that are not politically correct. This is dangerous. Politically correct social justice warriors are the REAL asshats.PC Social Justice Warriors urn:uuid:105993 2015-08-05T13:57:32-04:00 Neurotically politically correct, fanatical social justice warriors are power-hungry bullies who are not so much interested in justice as they are in bossing other people around. And the jerks who defend PC bullies by calling their critics asshats are the REAL asshats. Nobody who’s intelligent would support bullies who try to tell everyone what to think and what to do under the guise of being "politically correct". PC is code for being a bullying asshat, sorry. David jefferson urn:uuid:105980 2015-06-15T14:29:46-04:00 CUNT FACED PRICK JEFFERSON Emily urn:uuid:105913 2014-08-23T14:53:14-04:00 you're so right wing Emily urn:uuid:105912 2014-08-23T14:52:36-04:00 you're so right wing Craigslist urn:uuid:105868 2014-04-02T16:10:13-04:00 Thanks Craigslist for flagging my post to provide professional growing tips for the OMMP community. The truth hurts, doesn't it? Retail is a burn, what's the secret? Philipines urn:uuid:105818 2013-11-18T00:26:01-05:00 AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA you fucking pathetic despicable country of Philippines finally got what you deserved, a big typhoon. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHHA EAT IT BITCHES!!!!!! I love it when evil people get what they deserve. hope your whole fucking country goes underwater. FUCK YOU PHILIPINES!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU PHILIPPINOS!!!!!! GET RAPED BY THE TYPHOON!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH EAT IT EAT IT EAT IT BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK Japan! urn:uuid:105797 2013-08-12T05:30:49-04:00 FUCK YOU JAPAN!!! Boycott japan!!!!!!! never buy Japanese shit!!!!!! fuck all japs!! Diane Feinstein urn:uuid:105708 2013-05-02T13:15:06-04:00 For trying to stuff your hoplophobic agenda up America's back passage with your Firearms Fatwa, we, the Constitution loving vast, silent majority of the United States of America say: SHAME! Jihad on YOU! Obama urn:uuid:105701 2013-04-19T07:10:55-04:00 JIHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Jihad Taha urn:uuid:105690 2013-03-22T08:02:49-04:00 American civil jihad Christians urn:uuid:105632 2012-12-05T19:42:23-05:00 Everyday I jump on yahoo and read the latest news about whats going on in the middle east and spread throughout the comments section everyday are all these fucking bible quotes these Israel worshipping assholes post. Fuck you and fuck Israel. They say Israel is our only ally in the region. Really? it seems to me we got along with all these countries until fucking israel was founded. For real take your revelations chapter 666, it is the will of god horse shit and burn in the fire of one of our oh so righteous hellfire missiles. In a generation or 2 there will be no more support for israel in this country. For one, rational thinking will do away with the fantasy world of religion and 2nd we arent going to have the money and resources anymore to pour into that racist piece of shit country. My sons generation wont be crying over what happened in world war 2 like my generation was trained and manipulated to do. I think religion was invented by the jews so that people would worship a jew like a deity, bunch of fucking suckers. $ billion idiots running around praying to a dead carpenter. Religion is shit!!! Sidi Barack Obama urn:uuid:105612 2012-10-04T13:24:35-04:00 For allowing thousands of Americans to be killed every year by illegal Mexican invaders. For encouraging millions of illegal Mexicans to invade this country every year by offering handouts and amnesties. For making it impossible for us to do our legally designated job of keeping our border secure. JIHAD ON YOU! The Tea Party urn:uuid:105596 2012-08-11T23:49:53-04:00 I hope you all go to jail for a very long time you domestic terrorists! So JIHAD ON YOU! Fuck the troops urn:uuid:105579 2012-07-12T10:09:41-04:00 The troops are welfare queens. We taxpayers feed, clothe and house them. We pay for their medical care and their benefits while they chase imaginary WMDs, sing stupid songs and slam their dicks together. They haven't protected us from a legitimate threat in over fifty years. They should get their hands out of our pockets and get a proper fucking job. Some retards say, "I support the warrior, not the war." But how can you separate the troops from what they are doing? Bob Avakian has raised the point that if you came upon a woman who was being attacked and raped by a gang of men, would you say, 'I support the rapists, not the rape?' Or if you encountered a mob of racists lynching a Black person, would you say, 'I support the lynchers, not the lynching?' Of course not. You'd say these people are doing something heinous, and I can't support them. Well the war that U.S. troops are waging in Iraq is also heinous, and it, and the troops who are carrying it out don't deserve the support of anybody who cares about justice. I'm happy when I hear about them getting killed in Afghanistan or Iraq. That's one less sociopath coming home to beat their wife, fill up our prisons or end up homeless on our streets.