Jihad on You! - Workplace 2025-03-12T00:36:35-04:00 Skully urn:uuid: Cuntipalli urn:uuid:106256 2018-06-28T03:39:10-04:00 You annoying son of a bitch? You think you can boss around when the manager is away? You think that by sucking his cock all the time you are qualified to manage our work Princess Libed urn:uuid:106162 2017-04-30T14:16:24-04:00 You stuck up third wave feminist harpie! You know fucking well the office rules says that flash drives are not to be inserted in office computers, so why did you do it? And why do you think I should be responsible for your reckless decision? I told you my flash drive is clean, but I DID NOT SAY YOU HAVE TO USE IT! And how should I know you are going to use it in these computers? How should I know it has a virus when last time I checked, I told you HONESTLY that it was clean! And at that the time I AM NOT AWARE OF THAT OFFICE RULE BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF TRAINING YOU GAVE ME. But you put the blame on me, gave me a department penalty, me, a subordinate, so that you, a team leader and assistant to the manager, will go scott free. That's so convenient for you, those who are at the top of the pyramid. Blame the little guys. Screw you! I will not forgive you. Not in this lifetime. And I hope something really really bad happens to you. God is on my side. He doesn't like false witnesses. Candy urn:uuid:106140 2017-02-18T19:47:22-05:00 You are not a good team leader. You don't bond with your team. You have a sailor's potty mouth.You treat your subordinates as second class. You pick favorites.You're a closet third wave feminist. You have double standards. And you bring office morale down by picking on someone in the office that has no connection to work, even taking it personally. Pendleton Gas station/subway urn:uuid:106095 2016-07-28T21:27:19-04:00 You don't give me job, you burn Stupid Evil Bitch Boss urn:uuid:106087 2016-07-01T21:38:14-04:00 I declare jihad on you! May your salad be covered in dingleberries. May your ass grow ever wider. May your false bravado be crushed in a stream of your own tears. May you choke on a chicken bone and claw your way half-way out of your office where I will walk over your rotting corpse. May you be discovered as disingenuous kiss-ass that you are. May your car crash into a telephone pole resulting in minor injuries and a large increase in your insurance premium. I just really, really despise you. You are not a nice person. Just a bullshit artist with no talent. Kiss my ass. Honestly. My self-deluded asshole boss urn:uuid:106086 2016-07-01T21:15:09-04:00 You claim to be self-aware and intelligent, you are nothing but a narcissist self-deluded psycho. You think every one of your ideas is the right idea - and inflict your power on the team. You patronize others when its you who is the short-sighted, unimaginative idiot. I hate your two-faced smile. I will not pander to you anymore. You are deceitful, manipulating and power-hungry. I invite you to kiss my ass. I am blocking out your negativity and close-mindedness. I am ignoring your judgmental opinions. Let the sycophants kiss your ass - not me. No more. Not ever again. I'm not your friend. I'm not your colleague. I'm just your co-worker. Don't try to bullshit me or be my buddy. You don't give a shit about me and you'll never, ever vouch for me. I'm already looking for another job and I live for the day when I can see the look on your face when I tell you I've "found a better opportunity". When you attempt to counter offer I will smile and not say a word. It will be fucking priceless. I've played the scene a thousand times in my head, and it motivates me to keep networking and find other opportunities with sane people who actually care about each other. In the meantime, I'll be giving you the stink eye to keep you rattled and wondering what I'm thinking. We'll play cat and mouse - "You seem distracted"...."No, not distracted all. Thanks for your [completely fake] concern." You heartless bitch! You don't give a shit about anyone who questions your authority. What weak leader you are. You're just a self-deluded dumbass. Stay the fuck away from me. You'll get zero discretionary effort from me. Can't wait to say goodbye to you. Ah, that feels better. My self-deluded asshole boss urn:uuid:106085 2016-07-01T21:14:13-04:00 You claim to be self-aware and intelligent, you are nothing but a narcissist self-deluded psycho. You think every one of your ideas is the right idea - and inflict your power on the team. You patronize others when its you who is the short-sighted, unimaginative idiot. I hate your two-faced smile. I will not pander to you anymore. You are deceitful, manipulating and power-hungry. I invite you to kiss my ass. I am blocking out your negativity and close-mindedness. I am ignoring your judgmental opinions. Let the sycophants kiss your ass - not me. No more. Not ever again. I'm not your friend. I'm not your colleague. I'm just your co-worker. Don't try to bullshit me or be my buddy. You don't give a shit about me and you'll never, ever vouch for me. I'm already looking for another job and I live for the day when I can see the look on your face when I tell you I've "found a better opportunity". When you attempt to counter offer I will smile and not say a word. It will be fucking priceless. I've played the scene a thousand times in my head, and it motivates me to keep networking and find other opportunities with sane people who actually care about each other. In the meantime, I'll be giving you the stink eye to keep you rattled and wondering what I'm thinking. We'll play cat and mouse - "You seem distracted"...."No, not distracted all. Thanks for your [completely fake] concern." You heartless bitch! You don't give a shit about anyone who questions your authority. What weak leader you are. You're just a self-deluded dumbass. Stay the fuck away from me. You'll get zero discretionary effort from me. Can't wait to say goodbye to you. Ah, that feels better. Asshole customer urn:uuid:106083 2016-06-18T14:30:24-04:00 Jihad on you motherfucker asshole customer at my work. You took out your anger on me. I couldn't talk back 'cause I had to give curteous customer service, and it was expected of me to take it out my frustration on an innocent person who hasn't even wronged me...like a twisted domino effect. Well fuck you and fuck off 'cause I won't sink that low. I'm deflecting your asshole agressive anger back at you! Jihad on you, and may your karma be 10 fold you scum! Alex Lahiff, ADD + retard = makes me stabby urn:uuid:106075 2016-05-24T01:38:19-04:00 You stupid ADD sack of shit. You will never amount to anything if you can't effing retain the simplest bits of information someone tells you. You are a shitty accountant and won't ever amount to to anything except a total loser. Please die so you don't keep breathing air the rest of us can put to better use. Cristin Arlene Aquilina urn:uuid:106073 2016-05-24T01:14:05-04:00 You waste of space! I'm glad you got ass cancer and suffered for 5 years before you died! It will never make up for the nasty shit you pulled on my family, but your suffering makes it a bit better. Dan and Sean urn:uuid:106007 2015-09-29T12:00:42-04:00 you giggle with your millennial jokes. JIHAD ON YOU! Office of Financial Research urn:uuid:105983 2015-06-27T09:27:07-04:00 I declare Jihad on you Office of Financial Research, Department of the Treasury for firing the one employee in Operations Department that worked and got things done. Were you afraid he was showing you up? Apparently so. Because your reasons for firing him were total bullshit.. Cfo urn:uuid:105977 2015-06-04T06:06:27-04:00 You fucking prick son of a bitch only you know to micromanage. Good for nothing. You cock sucker. Dont know how you got into cfo. You are no way even near to be called as a leader you pig Go get a life Die in Hell or get casted in horrible bosses 3!!!!! You bitch. The PI's who think I'm great but have rejected me until I am weary and enraged urn:uuid:105974 2015-05-29T17:08:07-04:00 may a plague of winged ants infest your homes and you lose all the data you thought you had securely backed up Mitch Nowicki urn:uuid:105973 2015-05-28T09:42:40-04:00 How great is this website? LinkedIn urn:uuid:105959 2015-05-06T15:29:56-04:00 Fuck you for making me spend an hour trying to resize my profile picture only to get a notification that you are conveniently unable to take uploads from 1-4 pm today. Fuck you. UGLY DISGUSTING TOXIC BEAST urn:uuid:105935 2014-12-10T03:12:54-05:00 I declare absolute destruction of evil on you. You got a preview with the "twins" and your house falling into the ocean. You are the most miserable beast and your day will come. You are a disgusting beastly awful non-human being and you will pay for your crimes. Sirwilliam Chapel urn:uuid:105910 2014-08-23T05:17:56-04:00 You tell me that ill be out of work for a few weeks due to guys in the shop quitting and no steel to put up, then i find out everyone else is still working and when i confront you, you tell me some bullshit lies, you are just intimidated by my being a real man and you being an insecure bitch whos wife and kids left you, you like young boys faggot Inhospitable asshole mexican queen urn:uuid:105844 2014-01-25T13:39:56-05:00 YOU invited us to do a residency in your 'space' but we can't fucking work because your underpaid slaves sorry household help keep tidying our shit away and turning off the hot water in prep for your weekly fiestas for your tight-faced cougar gal-pals to celebrate oh, i don't know, nightfall. it's 10am on a saturday and i went out for coffee and when i got back ALL MY SHIT IS GONE and i can't fucking shower you freak. also, YOU ARE A FUCKING LAME ASSHAT IN YOUR DUMB LINEN SHAWLS THAT YOU THROW EFFEMINATELY OVER YOUR HUGE OVERWEIGHT SHOULDER AS YOU PROCLAIM 'oh dahleengz you haf to try dis [whatever you're eating at given moment], eez ahmAAYZING!!'. Stupid cunt from U**** urn:uuid:105841 2014-01-14T21:20:31-05:00 You fat assed bitch. You stupid whore. Stop calling in on my day off so you can eat Bon bons. Stop stealing employee Christmas gifts you cheap slut. Stop asking me to take you places...I fucking hate your fat hollowed out ass. You suck at life. Die a bloody death bitch. Stupid bitch boss urn:uuid:105840 2014-01-14T15:49:24-05:00 You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. I hope you drink antifreeze. I hate you. You come to work, you pretend you know what you're doing and all you do is talk on your phone and play on facebook while everyone else is busting their ass doing all the work. You are a powermad loser who has to punish people for being better than you. And, your ass is SQUARE! E urn:uuid:105751 2013-06-02T01:38:02-04:00 who do you think you are Termites urn:uuid:105746 2013-06-02T01:33:55-04:00 you suck. POS DENTIST/BOSS urn:uuid:105695 2013-04-02T17:59:49-04:00 You stupid mother fucker! Quit taking people to the cleaners! Your work is shotty and not worth what you charge! Quit lying to people about needing more dental work than they do! To all of you out there reading this if only ONE person gets the following message it's worth it....if your dentist ever tells you that you need a deep cleaning but does not probe you (go around your mouth and call out numbers 1-7) DON'T GET THE RECOMMENED TREATMENT!!! You are being scammed!!!!! Dentists CAN NOT diagnose the need for a deep cleaning (ethically or legally) unless they "measure" pocket depth in your gums!!! My Father's Former Boss or Whatever The Fuck You Were urn:uuid:105692 2013-03-22T16:53:37-04:00 I hope when you die you burn in Hell(if there is one) and have you skin ripped off of you and spikes shoved down your throat. If Hell isn't real I hope you get hit by a truck and splashed all over the road.