Jihad on You! - Pop Culture2025-03-12T07:15:01-04:00Skullyurn:uuid:To Mister Ford and all his fansurn:uuid:1062022017-11-07T01:15:05-05:00Pre, wag ka namang mayabang. Nag-paretoke ka lang ng mukha mo, tingin mo ay leading man quality ka na? It takes MORE than that. Sa attitude mong yan, you may not get far. Sa totoo nga, di ka naman ganoong kilala.
At sa mga fanatics mo, girls, wag niyo na ipagmalaki siya. Kapag sino sa inyo nagpakasal sa kanya...PANGO PA RIN ANG MAGIGING BEYBI NIYO!
Stupid lace shorts for men (yikes)urn:uuid:1061722017-06-04T21:25:29-04:00Nothing looks more idiotic than a guy wearing lace shorts. This has to be one of the dumbest, crappiest-looking fads.Boring rip-off film - NOT grindhouseurn:uuid:1061702017-05-25T02:48:28-04:00Loser nerdy types with a comically snobbish attitude who screened a dumb film falsely advertised as grindhouse, when it was nothing more than a cheap ripoff of Rob Zombie - minus Rob Zombie's talent and wit. Don't botherHorrible-looking when men wear rompersurn:uuid:1061692017-05-23T02:04:22-04:00I think it's horrible for men to wear rompers. It looks stupid. And "manbuns" look stupid, too.
At least no violent blacks or latino/hispanics bulliesurn:uuid:1060192015-10-17T04:56:30-04:00At least there weren't any physically violent blacks or latino/hispanics violently harassing and bullying white people tonight - the way these non-white savages usually behave. The fact that blacks and latino/hispanics think they have the alleged, so-called "right" to attack us white people proves how boring and mediocre the blacks and latino/hispanics really are. So unimportant and so nothing.Mackurn:uuid:1059552015-04-22T19:52:52-04:00You like HOTD you infidelTHAT FUCKING LINK PLAYERurn:uuid:1059362014-12-21T23:09:33-05:00FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID PIECE OF CUNT I HOPE YOU DIE IN A FIRE FUCK YOU AND YOUR GODDAMN FUCKING PROJECTILES GO FUCK YOUR FUCKING MOTHER I HOPE YOUR WIIU BURNS AND ALL YOUR CONTROLLERS BREAK AND YOU SHIT YOUR PANTS FOR THE NEXT WEEK FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.We Hate Selena Gomez Facebook Pageurn:uuid:1059162014-09-06T19:12:09-04:00I declare jihad on you and your stupid ass page! You are a bitch, how dare you insult Selena and her Selenator. Get the HELL off of Facebook!Courney Loveurn:uuid:1058692014-04-03T14:24:35-04:00It's been 20 years and you got away with it. Kurt would've been the KING. You will go down, CLKKC. The world hates you for KKC. Send your thugs after me.The Duck and the Qin Dynastiesurn:uuid:1058342013-12-30T19:55:31-05:00Having the mind (or lack thereof) to blame the religion that you practice for your beliefs is fine. After all, it's the closest thing to truth that you can comprehend; however, this behavior becomes problematic when you begin to believe that your "God" is the only one, and that what he says goes. When you begin to stretch your beliefs like this you begin to disadvantage your "God." The people who belief in another "God" or no "God" at all will feel alienated and lash out.
Here's my point. Leave the explanations to your "God." He knows what he believes and what he disagrees with. He doesn't need you messing up his image for him.
Oh, the Terracotta warriors are creepy in person. You've been warned. My FAVE artist's FANSurn:uuid:1058332013-12-30T02:47:17-05:00I'm BACK BITCHES!
This gonna be shorter than the other one.
what's better than a group of people as weird and as obesessed as you for someone famous? It's amazing because you say things you can do in public because apparently you are mad sick to your mind for liking someone that much.
But sometimes this bitches get on mah nerves. They post pictures of their immense collections and high quality large framed pictures and posters ALL OVER THEIR FUCKING HOUSES. It is a little bit creepy how fanatic they are but it grows on one and it makes one grow (as a fan).
Now it's getting a bit too far. I have nothing against them pimping out their collections but DAYUM BITCH do you have to that EVERY FUCKING DAY?!
There are people poorer than you and:
A) that doesnt make us feel any better
B) it reminds us how poor we are
C) we dont fucking care
D) you are gaining a hater
E) we dont fucking care x2
F) it just makes me hate you even more and if i crossed paths with you, i could kill you.
There's this one guy who keeps saying: "Oh I saw her 100+ times" and the bitch actually has evidence for you to see a hundred pictures of every show.
So, if you guys know who you are and if you ever read this fucking stop it.
Fucking thank you.
The Sunurn:uuid:1058272013-12-11T16:19:13-05:00It's always ruining my hiding spots. Also, my outfit looks pretty fuckin ridiculous in the daytime. I can't wait til that thing blows up. Al Qaedaurn:uuid:1058242013-12-09T13:03:05-05:00Pfft. I'm just kidding. I love Al Qaeda.DEA, Jesus, and Bill O'Reillyurn:uuid:1058222013-12-09T10:51:25-05:00Rouse yourselves, (especially those who are ethnically handicapped) those in power are still in power The ancient, dogmatic, and all too mammalian pharoes have yet to end their scrutiny of us Commie Fags and our psychoactivity. This behavior is comparable to blowing a horse drawn wagon, it's obsolete. The facts are here and visible! Everyone knows heroin is good for you, and it makes you smart! But They still have us laying down our lives, hair, freedom, and syringes for their capital and egoistic gains. Shred the Illuminatus! Trilogy by Rob She and Robert Anton Wilson and sprinkle the pieces down upon their balding, fascist, consciousness hating skulls. Replace their Jack daniels with LSD infused green tea. Splatter your abcesses into their red, white, and blue holes, that they call "eyes". Masturbate vigirously knowing that their drones have full sight of you. Quit your jobs and call all your friends "Essays". Hail Eris. Ewige Blumenkraft! Myselfurn:uuid:1058052013-09-08T01:37:10-04:00I declare holy WarEurovision 2013urn:uuid:1057182013-05-21T05:22:32-04:00THIS IS JIHAD! We want a re-count! Bernie (The PERV) Martinurn:uuid:1056712013-02-23T01:24:22-05:00Why Do You Paint By Number? You Bastard and Pevert! I asw a Booger on One of Your Paintings!!!!Juggalosurn:uuid:1056332012-12-05T20:20:23-05:00What the fuck is wrong with you people. You look like a bunch of 3rd rate bozo the clowns. Seriously, if you spent good money tattooing the word juggalo on your body you mine as well tattoo the word asshole on your forehead cause thats what you are. I hope the next mass shootings happens at one of your gatherings and while your laying there bleeding out, just know that the last thing you will ever hear is that corny fucking ICP bullshit. Pray for quick death losers.Ryan Goslingurn:uuid:1056182012-10-16T10:46:49-04:00What the fuck is so cool about this guy? He screams gay to me. He fucking acted in Mickey Mouse Club, motherfuckers, Mickey Mouse Club! That club has produced tons of trainwrecks like Britney (she's cool now, but she had her dark times), Xtina (was cool, but I think she's doing coke right now), and JTimberlake (what kind of normal human being talk with their falsetto voice all the time?). I'm pretty sure he's next. Maybe it'll have something to do with him being Canadian. I don't know. Ryan Gosling sounds Canadian to me; it also makes me think about ducks.Sunshyne Mimiurn:uuid:1055942012-08-07T10:46:55-04:00You are crazy bitch!!!!Michael Silverblatturn:uuid:1055752012-06-29T00:48:14-04:00Fucking whiny assholeWatchMyAwesomeVideos on youtubeurn:uuid:1054282011-09-12T02:58:21-04:00For pathetic Renee-hating a-hole
I guess some motherfucker's always trying to ice skate uphill...
Adeleurn:uuid:1053352011-06-10T04:08:32-04:00Why do all hipsters like Adele? They're overexposing it to the point where it's becoming annoying.
"Oh, it's sooooooooo deeeep!"
"Omg, it's so sad!"
Seriously? I know a lot of hipsters and they listen to it like pretentious little dweebs.
Hipster: "Oh, I used to like Adele,"
Like what... yesterday?
IM GOING TO SMACK YOU IN THE FACE AND ROLL YOU IN DEEP SHIT! Justin Bieberurn:uuid:1053002011-04-03T12:29:17-04:00Shut the fuck up!Stupid columnisturn:uuid:1052972011-03-25T11:10:15-04:00I can't believe I just wasted six precious minutes of my time reading your stupid, stupid column which started out as an analysis of FB as another aspect of our social lives, and ended up as a pathetic, melodramatic, disgustingly predictable wallowfest about your failed relationship.
I'm not at all surprised he left you, you moaning cow.