Jihad on You! - Family2025-03-12T00:41:35-04:00Skullyurn:uuid:Mcconnellsburg pa Vincent e martz urn:uuid:1062652018-07-20T17:06:32-04:00Egor, egor, egor, egor, egor, egor, egor, egor. Grow up baby..You and your wife vincent e martz of mercersburg pa the egor will be sorry for what you did to family. You will face judgement before the throne of God.Get a job both of you instead of stealing money off of dad/pap you thief.You both take advantage and steal for free.We have you where we want you.You hide behind the scenes you are the ones that called fulton county pa child services on your sister, murdered her daughter,harrased and assulted your sister,mom,sister in law,your mom,stole from your dad picked on several family members.Your wife is going to prison and you egor are going to prison.I have so much on the both of you.I will be so happy to hear of both you fraudsters go down and suffer what is due you.oh what a day judgement is coming.You are a christian witness so wheres your fruit?You and your wife desirve punished, suffering, I cant wait till you both get a beating.egor,egor.egor.egor.eg or.egor.My familyurn:uuid:1062552018-06-25T11:32:48-04:00Why must you guys pressure me into doing everything I don't want to do. I am not the perfect kid you think I am. Screw you for making me have anxiety attacks. Screw you for never listening to me. Screw your for lying to me and never understanding my reasons. JIHAD ON YOU FOR BEING STUPID HYPOCRITES WHO RUINED MY FUTURE THEN BLAMED IT ON ME. LET ME RECOVER AND FIX MY MENTAL HEALTH BEFORE YOU BASH ME DOWN AGAINMy dearest motherurn:uuid:1062492018-05-31T22:06:48-04:00I CAN'T FRICKIN FINISH THE ACTUAL ENTIRE YEAR OF SCIENCE IN THREE FUCKING DAY. SERIOUSLY STOP GIVING ME SHIT FOR TAKING A GODDAMN THREE MIN BREAK AFTER WORKING MY ASS OFF ALL DAYDumb ass sister and bratty nephewurn:uuid:1062402018-04-22T20:30:02-04:00You're pretty lackluster with your nephew behavior problem not ever using cold shoulder but when do small thing like a slap on the wrist you go ham on me. You are spoiling him faster than milk on a hot summer day, fuck you caramel skinned weave wearing DYKE. You must like living in that glass house hope you don't break it with the stone you're throwing.Vincent e martz urn:uuid:1062132017-12-10T21:39:59-05:00Vincent martz 5692 little cove rd, mercersburg pa 17236
Someone who knows the family • Vincent why do u put stuff on here about your family grow up stop acting like a fool you was there when you mother passed but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart cussing harrasment assalt on your family threats shall i go on satan your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is possed with demons and is satan.he is at fault for the death of Nikki martz and the family hates this egorÂ
Someone who knows the family • Vincent why do u put stuff on here about your family grow up stop acting like a fool you was there when you mother passed but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart chambersburg pa and giant food store mcconnellsburg pa cussing harrasment assalt on your family threats shall i go on satan your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is possed with demons and is satan.he is at fault for the death of Nikki martz and the family hates this egor for this.
E-gor vincent e martz 5692 little cove rd, Mercersburg pa
Egor Someone, usually a disliked human, who feigns a friendship with others and families in the presumption that everyone and family will return that friendship, but no one likes him/her not our families the martzs (except for the 1 or 2 attention whore sidekicks). E-gor's can often be found at places/parties where they are not accepted, invited, or liked.Childurn:uuid:1062122017-12-10T03:01:57-05:00fuck you for trying to kill yourself after everything and you leave me a one sentence goodbye.. no.. fuck you..Someoneurn:uuid:1062092017-11-29T07:24:28-05:00testerFamily Newsurn:uuid:1061962017-10-10T09:43:20-04:00I don't care for more news such as weddings and births. I have other thing more interesting in my life. Family news sucks! My friend or not!urn:uuid:1061912017-09-21T13:51:23-04:00HAHAHAHAMumurn:uuid:1061892017-09-15T12:20:05-04:00im 13 and she keeps saying to grow up and act my age when she is the one who doesn't even let me go to kfc that's 7 mins away with my very good group of friends. shes always compares me to my other friends and says stuff lie 'why cant you be like her','look shes so pretty','shes really skinny' so when i say my friends are allowed to do what they want she shouts at me and tells me not to look at other people. and she threatens to punch me and hurt me and she does slap me and ughhhh ii just want her to dieWhy do gay people hate their opposite sex parent?urn:uuid:1061532017-04-01T04:55:32-04:00There's something wrong with the gays who scream that they hate the opposite sex- especially their own opposite sex parent - disturbing.Miss Arrogant Babysitterurn:uuid:1061522017-03-30T13:42:54-04:00Don't make me laugh that because you are hired by my brother and sister-in-law means you are the most knowledgeable baby sitter around, but here you are, watching a telenovela, playing games on your smartphone, and calling up your boyfriend while... minding the baby?
You even asked me to change channels to catch up on your favorite telenovela while I'm watching the news. Omg, how thick are you?
I only asked why did you miss stopping my baby nephew from picking up stuff on the floor and putting them in his mouth? Where were you???
And when I asked you about it, you said that I "shouldn't interfere because I'm more knowledgeable in handling the baby"
Seriously? What the fuck?!!
If I have my way, I will kick your horse face! Damn jolog!Dear Brotherurn:uuid:1061412017-02-18T20:05:32-05:00Hmm, its funny that you have to give me a sermon not to interfere to say my opinion what's best for your son because you said "I should be a parent first to understand". That may be fair. ..but you and your wife don't wash the dishes after you eat (I do, and I wash both of yours as well.), and you don't go to the mall to pay your electric bill (unfortunately this family gave me that task.) And you guys haven't even left the nest after you both got married...so you are technically, STILL HERE. You guys are eating at the main dining table, although you have a wonderful kitchen and dining setup in your apartment / partition of this house, which is becoming more of a white elephant. And maybe, its about time you guys should be doing your chores like every parent would do?
Just saying.My fucking caturn:uuid:1061342017-02-04T23:22:52-05:00she tipped over my expensive as hell acrylic blender and i want her to fucking dieMy in-lawsurn:uuid:1061312017-01-28T02:38:20-05:00After all these years of you messing with me, I hope you appreciate that I am fighting back...but you didn't count on the fact that I fight dirty, did ya?
You thought you were so clever for so long, but who was wearing the clever trousers THAT day, huh?
I will keep fucking with your headspace until you finally just go away. Keep walkin', honey. You've done enough damage, and now I'm standing firm to keep you the hell out of our lives.
Go find a hobby, because if you keep messing with us, you will find that what I've done is just a small taste of what kind of hell I can rain down upon you.
I know your every weakness, your every soft spot. Do you really want me to keep poking at them? No? Then fuck off already.
I tried for years to play nicely, all the while ya'll were total asses to me and my kids. Well, the days of Mrs. Niceguy are over.
I have a side to me you only thought you suspected was inside. You have no fucking clue. You don't know the shit I've been through in my life.
You have zero clue what I've learned from other assholes before you. I played my cards well all these years, and now I've taken off my gloves and shown you my claws.
Take the hint. The days of me tolerating your cruelty and malice are OVER.Dads damned radiourn:uuid:1061272017-01-15T01:26:54-05:00It's bad enough you woke me up at 1 in the fucking morning but you have the gall to keep me up for 30 consecutive GODdamn minutes. I cannot describe how many unseemly things I want to do to you. It would be slow, painful. Like melting you over some computer wreckage to make you feel at home. Maybe you'd like a proper burial. I'll gladly do that, as long as you don't mind being alive. With spiders. All kinds. Poisonous, jumpy, or just plain bloodthirsty. I'll stop there. But heed my words, you'll wish you never woke me up. Asshat Motherurn:uuid:1061242017-01-08T13:19:34-05:00FUCK YOU WHY DO YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO ME I CAN DO WHAT I WANT WITHOUT YOUR PETTY TORTURE DO YOU LIKE MAKING ME FEEL LIKE I"M WORTH NOTHING STFU AND GET BACK TO THE KITCHEN YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DOMy brotherurn:uuid:1061092016-10-24T22:39:08-04:00The level of treatment I have received from our parents compared to you is extremely unfair. You have been handed everything you have and have not had to work very hard for what you have. Things always came easy to you, whether it was getting a cushy job that does not require a lot of hard work or, our parents giving you a lot of money towards the mortgage on your house (I know that they gave you $50k). Yet, you never do anything for them or anyone, you simply "cannot be bothered" to help anyone but yourself. I have had to struggle to get everything I have. I have always worked harder than you, I paid for my own education (our parents paid off your debt for you, they do not think I know but I am aware of EVERYTHING they have done for you). Back to the whole you "cannot be bothered" thing, here is an example. When I was really sick and I asked you to take me to the doctor because I was to weak to take myself, you being the great brother you are said yes. OH WAIT! NO YOU DIDN'T! You said that you were "tired and didn't want to take me". That is when it really sunk in for me that you didn't give a fuck about anyone else but yourself. I was in a position in which my health was poor, I didn't want to ask anyone for help but I had no choice. I am fortunate enough though that I have a best friend that "TOOK TIME OFF FROM WORK" to take me. He isn't my brother but yet, he treated me like a sibling. So why am I writing all this? It is because I am fucking sick of you and your shit. Also, I am promoting my best friend to the newly opened position of "brother". Just in case you didn't get that, you have been fired from that position after years of piss poor performance. Oh and one last thing, after years of struggling and working harder than you ever have. I now have a career that pays more than yours, I will actually be doing meaningful work unlike the work you do which doesn't mean anything.
Your former sibling IkkinEgor vincent e martzurn:uuid:1061082016-10-13T19:07:44-04:00 vincent e martz called fulton county pa child services on his sisters children and brothers and families vincent caused the martzs bad situations with the county child services
By Anonymous August 04, 2014 at 01:35 PM
martz defense
The scenes vincent e martz-egor created was at chambersburg pawalmart cussing yelling harrasment of family members foaming making threats we the martzs did file assalt and harrasment charges on vincent we had fear of what he will do to the family with his demon possed state
By Anonymous August 02, 2014 at 04:25 AM
Vincent martz is at fault for the death of his niece nikki
Anonymous in People
Feb 20 -- 9:42pm 5 0 3
Comments (click to give advice/comment)
April 4, 2014
Saw other complaints on this driver in the white jeep patriot plate ece 7109 he backed in reverse tried to back into us 2s on little cove and cove gap in mercersburg pa made threats even tried to hit the side of the car lets get him put off the road he is a nut case he even threatened our lives and we did nothing we was behind him and he just jumped us our lives was in danger!...
Posted by anonymous on April 13, 2014.
Anonymous left a Comment
Apr 16 -- 7:47am
E-gor vincent e martz 5692 little cove rd, Mercersburg pa
Egor Someone, usually a disliked human, who feigns a friendship with others and families in the presumption that everyone and family will return that friendship, but no one likes him/her not our families the martzs (except for the 1 or 2 attention whore sidekicks). E-gor's can often be found at places/parties where they are not accepted, invited, or liked.Egor vincent martz is not part of the harold martz jr. family we hate him.
Anonymous left a Comment
May 28 -- 6:22pm
Vincent e martz 717-328-4503 listed address 5692 little cove rd, mercersburg pa 17236 subject drives a white jeep patroit pa plate ece7109
Anonymous left a Comment
Sep 4 -- 9:21pm
I saw vincent e martz-egor in mcconnellsburg pa today he harrassed my family and me.made scenes right in town he has anger issues this vincent Eugene martz egor needs put away in a nut house and he deserves punishment and beatings what a case of human waste.
Report AbuseJudge it!
Chambersburg, PA
#221 hrs ago
fulton county pa wrote:
I saw vincent e martz-egor in mcconnellsburg pa today he harrassed my family and me.made scenes right in town he has anger issues this vincent Eugene martz egor needs put away in a nut house and he deserves punishment and beatings what a case of human waste.
Egor vincent martz created scenes at the 2nd red light in mcconnellsburg pa what a guy never seen a guy like this and everyone wants this guy out of sight and mind he is a off the wall nut case maybe someone will beat the nutness out of this egor.........
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Martz friends
Hockessin, DE
#34 hrs ago
This is my thoughts on vincent e martz egor he doesn't deserve any blessing or good in life.Look at his past life and now he has anger issues nut case issues look at the results his family don't like him either I did my research on him and if I see him I will bully him to no end.
Anonymous left a Comment
Sep 29 -- 8:21pm
vincent e.martz egor is not part of our family the martzs of mcconnellsburg pa,hustontown pa.He was taken into the family because noone wanted him and he tries to be part of our family he needs to stay away from us gee wiz he has the martz name and he is not part of us and he dont look like a martz..He was adopted the martz family will do what we can to get rid of vincent e martz egor mercersburg pa
I will say what I think about Vincent martz why do you think you are part of the martz family after all these years and you are the one that called Fulton County pa child services on your sisters children and caused your niece's death and you harrased your sister at walmart assaulted her and picked fights with family and now you steal from family and road rage toward family while driving. And now you visit your dad after the pain you caused family. You don't mess with family and friends you are not part of this family and you will disappear maybe by accident or set up my advice keep your eyes open your life is short. for what you did to family.you deserve to suffer a cruel torture hurtful beating and leave the martz families alone you will die.
What I have to say about you Vince martz egor has not ended I had this in my thoughts for a long time the pain you caused the martz family is not right you have no remorse or feelings and the martz family hates you we don't want you around better yet we want you dead is a better way to put it.you even stolen money from the grandparents stay away from us or you will be sorry
Egor vince martzurn:uuid:1061032016-09-14T17:22:49-04:00Where did this guy vincent eugene martz egor come from? everyone here in mcconnellsburg and surrounding areas and yes even employers,his family and no wonder for what he did to his family also hate this guy. How does this well hated egor vincent e martz exist or survive it has to be a miracle so many want him gone.
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freddy gordon
Chambersburg, PA
#7 Wednesday Sep 7
Vincent e martz egor steals free handouts from others and he robbed his family he took several thousand dollars.
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Chambersburg, PA
#8 Yesterday
ww.williams employee
Vincent e martz was not laidoff from ww.williams he faked the layoffs to collect unemployment andhe owes $6, 500 to the unemployment for setting the company up to lay him off its a shame someone like this gets away with this kind of stuff like vincent e martz did other employees lost their jobs because of him i would like to thank susan hess and the unemployment office for a great job they did to proof vincent e martz framed ww.williams into laying him off and collecting unemployment illegal that is fraud and he is the cause the company lost sales etc.
This isthe information that was found online about vincent e martz mercersburg pa as you can see he tried to get a free handout by the state of pa also this egor is a good for nothing free loader that is lazy.
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Chambersburg, PA
#9 21 hrs ago
vincent e martz he was found guilty for the thefts at keystone rv center.He took navigation systems from several rvs he was a bad employee and a thief.And ever since vincent e martz worked for keystone rv center greencastle pa he cussed our customers,took parts from units,took money from the company bank,transported drugs and beer in motorhomes and he screamed and yelled . vincent e martz by mi- vincent e martz was found guilty by the pa state for stealing navigation units from keystone rv center in greencastle pa and he caused the company to lose money and he cussed out employees customers cussed out mike stewart general manager and walked off the job and he cussed out mike and susan hess at the unemployment office also.and he took money from the company!!truth was proven by the state of pa vincent e martz did steal from keystone rv center and he served 3 years for theft.
information found on vincent e martz egor
Sperm donor urn:uuid:1061012016-09-06T01:45:11-04:00Sperm donor that is what I call u cause that is basically all u have ever done for your kids. U selfish bastard stealing ur kids savings and mine putting me ur 18month old and 8 months pregnant out on the streets taking all the money I have ever saved plus my credit. U will pay for this. MY STUPID DICK STEPFATHERurn:uuid:1060942016-07-27T17:33:03-04:00FUCK YOU STUPID CUNT. YOU A CONCEITED FUCK TARD WHO THINKS HES NEVER WRONG AND YOU'REA TERRIBLE FATHER TO YOUR REAL KIDS TO. I DONT KNOW WHAT MY MOM SEES IN YOU BECAUSE NOT A BIG BAG OF HORSE SHIT LIKE YOU JIHAD ON YOU FUCKERGod urn:uuid:1060822016-06-16T06:05:11-04:00even after days of requests i still have parents trying to throw things at each other and i am suffering fucking mentally so I HAD LOVE TO TEAR HIS FACE APARTVincent e martzurn:uuid:1060782016-05-30T17:06:33-04:00Someone who knows the family • Vincent why do u put stuff on here about your family grow up stop acting like a fool you was there when you mother passed but you and your wife was the ones always acting out at Walmart your the one who hates your family grow up you say your a christian and you act like this your nothing but a fool read your bible and go to a real church and get your demons out Vincent egor martz is possed with demons and is satan Also vincent e martz called fulton county pa child services on his sisters children and brothers and families vincent caused the martzs bad situations with the county child services martz defense The scenes egor created was at chambersburg pa walmart cussing yelling harrasment of family members foaming making threats we the martzs did file assalt and harrasment charges on vincent we had fear of what he will do to the family with his demon possed state Vincent martz is at fault for the death of his niece nikki
Keithurn:uuid:1060762016-05-25T19:52:07-04:00Wtf man you keep bossing me around. can't you just stop like I heard you 20 times and i'm i nthe fucking prosses of ther task LAY OFF