Jihad on You! - Love + Romance 2025-03-11T21:40:50-04:00 Skully urn:uuid: Love you urn:uuid:106261 2018-07-10T00:10:11-04:00 FUCK i really hope were allowed to curse on here idk im new. but anyways, FUCKSHITBITCH i just said i love you and i got an "I appreciate it" NOUGH ive just ruined everything. and what makes it worse you may ask? IT WAS OVER TEXT. I am so ignorate and pointless i didnt even say it in person. JIHAD ON YOU SAY IT BACK. Shannon Kniffen urn:uuid:106258 2018-06-29T21:54:48-04:00 Compulsive liar without regard for the feelings of people she claims to love. Borders on sociopathic. Hasn’t worked in over a year and sleeps with people for a place to stay. Laura winterink in baton rouge ! urn:uuid:106251 2018-06-07T15:40:16-04:00 I met her on pof and she seemed okay. Typical chick with self esteem issues who likes to bang a guy on the side. Next thing I knew I had an std. It definitely wasn't worth it. I tried talking to her on Facebook about it and she blocked me. I hope this bitch gets what she deserves. Yashi urn:uuid:106244 2018-05-05T15:24:23-04:00 I am horny girl looking for hot and steamy sex. https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2018/5/5/4dc1fb108f066ae2a9200ae1beb62311-full.jpg https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2018/5/5/c27fc0d2577532ff51bd12004b2c4bfb-full.jpg She who I thought I loved urn:uuid:106243 2018-05-03T23:11:55-04:00 We've been through a lot! We've hated and needed each other, or at least I thought so. I knew you'd never love me, but I grew attached anyway, despite your warning. I told you I loved you and your reaction was, "okay." I don't have it in me to stop with this, but I have to move on. You can't love me, you won't let me love you, and now I feel like shit. I really do love you, you'll never see or accept that though. To moving on, jihad on you. My dumb ass urn:uuid:106241 2018-04-24T01:40:28-04:00 I think I'm falling for my boyfriends best friends I don't think I'm bored in my relationship but he's not the only person I feel like i have my eye on. He is my first real relationship and I think I might be itching to know what other relationships are like. I also have this feeling that I want to spend the rest of my days with him. I am also developing feelings for a guy in an extended part of my friend group. I don't know what to do about this. My Dear....wtf? urn:uuid:106231 2018-03-09T00:24:43-05:00 What the heck is this kid of yours saying in her website about you? She said you became a mom because your dreams aren't realized? That's funny, I thought you wanted to get hitched back then since you are so popular among the guys? Your kid is misinfomed. You were shopping for a mate back in college. You got a very successful guy working in advertising! That was your dream, and that came true! Stop pretending you are that girl from Lalaland. Dianna urn:uuid:106217 2018-01-02T15:45:01-05:00 YOU HAVE BETRAYED MY FAITH Love You, Mike Jessy urn:uuid:106193 2017-09-27T11:16:51-04:00 Fucking hell i cant fucking deal with his shit anymore i'm sick of it this a few days ago she acted all friendly and shit and all of a sudden she fucking ignores me like i'm nothing. Urmorm urn:uuid:106192 2017-09-27T11:12:18-04:00 is this how this workds Christina urn:uuid:106188 2017-09-07T21:18:09-04:00 This girl hasn't noticed me in two years despite all my efforts to be nice to her so you know what, fuck her! Wife urn:uuid:106187 2017-09-04T07:10:46-04:00 Why the fuck you cant think logically and straignt for a second! I am tired of you OCD like management where my life and career is getting zero attention! I am tired of living life by your side, on your terms, you bitch with a wormy haemorrhoids ridden yr and a garage for cunt! The biggest jerk in the whole wide world urn:uuid:106160 2017-04-22T15:17:11-04:00 I hope you rot in hell and then hell vultures eat you off and I hope they take all the time in the world when they do so. at that. I just hope that you get a skunk on your face. And then rhinos should trample over your big head. And when you die, I hope you rot in hell and then hell vultures eat you off and I hope they take all the time in the world when they do so. BiPolarBears urn:uuid:106148 2017-03-23T18:41:46-04:00 I don't know if they're bisexual polar bears or bipolar regular bears. Fuck these things Just tell me if you like fucking both, or if you're happy and pissed you fuckers XOCHITL AND PABLO urn:uuid:106144 2017-03-05T19:12:10-05:00 Fucking fat ugly cow of a girlfriend. Going behind my back and telling me she was nothing. Hell of 4 years meant absolutely nothing to you did it. And yoy say to go to you for help when you cant even help me. Youre a worthless piece of shit of a liar. Pablo all you care about is yourself. And I FUCKING HATE YOU AND THAT DISGUSTING PIG XOCHITL. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU. She used to be my best friend but thats that whores seem to do best Just Fucking Women urn:uuid:106113 2016-11-11T20:53:56-05:00 Fuck them all Fucking bullshit I'm sick of fucking life Ragini Dutta urn:uuid:106102 2016-09-07T02:25:07-04:00 I hereby declare jihad on my ex gf / alien spore / satan's pet cat . May the almighty allah accompanied by the Prophet of prophets give her what is due in the deepest fiery abyss of Jahannam !! XOXO (not) JACOB urn:uuid:106079 2016-06-02T20:28:34-04:00 Hey. Enjoy my ex, I dumped her for a reason. But you've been spreading lies about me, when I have some REAL dirt on you. You're telling people that my ex cheated on me with you? WITH YOU? That's a fucking riot, seeing as you're a slimy cunt who tells people about his piss fetish and sodomizing himself with soda bottles. You cunt. The two of you creepy, socially inept fucking degenerate psychopaths will look so cute rotting in hell together. THE REASON I BROKE UP WITH MY EX IS BECAUSE SHE REMINDED ME OF YOU. Boyfriends who are going into the army. urn:uuid:106072 2016-05-19T20:03:23-04:00 How are you just going to leave "the love of your life" here without you? It hurts. It really sucks. Like I love you man. Why you gotta do this? Boyfriends who are going into the army. urn:uuid:106071 2016-05-19T20:01:38-04:00 How are you just going to leave "the love of your life" here without you? It hurts. It really sucks. Like I love you man. Why you gotta do this? Boyfriends who can't keep there mouth shut. urn:uuid:106069 2016-05-14T22:01:15-04:00 US GIRLS DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR SEX-LIFE WITH YOUR EX. Vaibhav Mittal urn:uuid:106060 2016-03-25T21:56:22-04:00 YOU HAVE GONE NUTS>>> Johnathan Kincy urn:uuid:106056 2016-03-01T02:46:40-05:00 To the lying fakest back sliding christian I know. You are really something else you claim you so righteous but then you out here spending your money tricking and using other people to get over. It is a shame that you are willing to lie on others to make you feel better about the your habits. You can use church to cover up your sins but the people that really know you knows that you are just as nasty as the hundreds of prostitutes you spent your money on and dont call me a liar cause you fucked me aswell an yeah try me cause I have pics of your nasty ass. James urn:uuid:106052 2016-02-25T15:25:11-05:00 May 1,000,000 camels infest your anus with fleas and rot your ability to ever have passive anal sex again in your life... Ever!! Mike urn:uuid:106051 2016-02-24T21:35:57-05:00 fuck u