Jihad on You! - School2025-03-12T07:02:28-04:00Skullyurn:uuid:Teourn:uuid:1062502018-06-06T08:43:01-04:00fgtA Girl in Honorsurn:uuid:1062262018-02-27T00:29:47-05:00I hate people that can't take a joke. Someone pinned the "9 satanic sins" to the board in the honors lounge because they thought it was funny we had a babtist student center, but nothing for other religions. Everyone, even the super religious kids, that came in either didn't pay attention to it or found it cool/funny. Until this one chick decided it was "going to get the honors center taken away" and complained until the honors director told her to take it down. She was seriously the only person who was uncomfortable with it. I could get it if it was "murder children for the dark lord" stuff but it was stuff like "don't be ignorant" and "don't be prideful" just with an edgy name. Idk why she and the teacher flipped out.Maths Techersurn:uuid:1062242018-02-10T10:22:26-05:00You fucking idiots . WHY IN THE HOLIEST SHIT SHOULD SCHOOL TEACH US DECIMAL NUMBERS WHEN THERE ARE MORE USEFUL THINGS . WHO IS THE BRAINLESS GOAT WHO DECIDES THIS YOU urn:uuid:1062212018-01-20T13:51:29-05:00no exams and fuck bitches all day and night
Friendurn:uuid:1062072017-11-23T09:03:06-05:00I had this previous best friend in this school and all she said does pure and utter bullshit.
I will elaborate one bullshit she is doing.
It was when she makes herself look bad at her internet friends. I mean come on, she said that most of her internet friends are either all depressed or have problems in their lives (which I have no problem in those matters) but she interprets it as if it was a fucking trend and thought it was a good idea to fucking lie and keeps spewing depressing nonsense that doesn’t even describe her fucking life.
This one time she said to her internet friends that she was all alone in a classroom with no one getting closer to her, when in fact the real situation is that she was with everybody and having the time of her life and enjoying herself to take pictures of everybody. Lonely right?
Pure and utter bullshit.
People that are not in school yet think they know what going to school in 2017 is likurn:uuid:1062042017-11-18T18:23:59-05:00I'm so sick of people who aren't in school anymore yet think they know how it's like to be a student in 2017. We get stressed bc we have so many tests and assigments and we want to do good. If we've had enough then yes we want less stuff to stress about but whenever we try to complain you'll get these 40+ people that think they know everything. "You complain too much, school isn't that hard. You're all just ditching and not putting in anywork" f*ck you! people are wanting to kill themselves rather than go to school bc there is such high expectations for us to do well. And also u don't know shit about what it's like to be in school these days, times have changed. The system is different know, the expectations are different. Just shut up about things you know nothing about. UGHurn:uuid:1062032017-11-11T03:44:40-05:00I HATE YOU M AND YOUR STUPID UGLY PETTY FACEMr fucking hinckurn:uuid:1061972017-10-12T16:09:45-04:00fuck you mr fucking himnawengfnksvzdcxjdawqyuszckncdhczh jmnnbbn ndcxs fx mcbvhhdforhjvh km fuck you mi9sterm hicvndskccvkm,AIDANurn:uuid:1061812017-07-25T15:23:26-04:00YEAH FUCK U
TAKE ME SERIOUSLY PLEASE I GO TO TRAINING MORE THAN YOU DO AND I PLAY BETTER THAN YOU DO SO PASS ME THE FUCKING BALL FOR ONCE AND MAYBE WE CAN WINCassandra Freemanurn:uuid:1061802017-07-23T19:13:53-04:00You honestly think that was C worthy, I've been presenting since I was 8 years old kunt honestly tell me if i need more information you f*cking rat looking boytoy I hope you die in a sewerSLOANurn:uuid:1061672017-05-17T21:07:05-04:00dear sloan,
freaking pass the goshdang ball. stop being a bish. im wide open so pass it. this is lacrosse not track. pass the ball. JIHAD ON YOU!!!!!Myselfurn:uuid:1061612017-04-22T20:05:49-04:00Hey man. Wassup. It's me, Faisal. I'm dying. On the inside, then slowly it'll spread to the outside as well. Apathy it seems. It's so bad for me that I literally don't even want to type this right now! For fuck's sake, why is this happening to me. Hopefully, some articles stated that it's an effect of maturity, so it'll go as soon as I start getting involved in other interesting stuff. Gotta make a routine that I can follow. I have too many distractions. This laptop for one, is a good example of that distraction. I've been using it since 3AM or something and it's almost 5 AM now. What do I do about this crap of a life that I'm living, God..? I can't even make myself pray to you properly and piously. What the hell. Why me. But I can overcome this. Remember 10th? That time you thought you were wrecked but you actually weren't? Those were the beginning stages of your apathy, I guess. Oh, don't get confused, my alter ego and me are conversing. We wouldn't bother to have a proper, separate and dialogued conversation, would we? Hmm. Maybe you should stop visiting all those meme pages or groups as well. They're making you apathetic. You know that's the truth bro. Well, what's the cause? Why the actual fuck am I even getting affected by psychological shit like this? People in olden times, got their goals, well whoever gave a fuck to do it, without thinking too deep like how I'm thinking right now. Cause... cause...cause...reason. You are finding excuses to not do work. That's not a cause, silly. Then what might be..this cause..? FAISAL. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE CAUSE. WHAT THE HELL IS THE CAUSE TO YOUR SHITTY BEHAVIOUR AND RESPONSE IN THIS PRETTY LIFE? I can't find it, shut up. How can you just blame one incident for something like that. Hmmm..think. I was pretty negative from the start and always concentrated on impressing someone cooler or proving something to my parents. Never thinking about self-development. My problem is - I don't want to work, even though I realize I have to in order to achieve anything. I am incredible apathetic, clearly. I did so well before, why can't I get the same feelings like before. You know, this could be made into a movie or something. Shut up faggot. I'm alright in few things. But, why can't I excel like anybody else? Something must be there, where, what, why, how? Khurshid Uncle died yesterday, yet you only felt a drop of something called as sadness. I cannot believe there will be no one to wish me when I return from the Masjid. This is good, you're getting emotions. Good. Are you scared of Death? No, and yes. The fuck kinda answer is that? Well, I'm indifferent clearly but I don't wanna die, even though I've realized I can't do anything. SO DON'T REALIZE. Go back to Khurshid Uncle topic. So you won't be able to wish anyone as you return from the Mosque. He was, so helpful at times. He has to be the definition of the composed, old guys that anyone thinks about.
Do you give a fuck about what's gonna happen to you. That's why I think so much about it right? Or I just want something to happen magically but I know, it won't. So incredibly hypocritical and so much ironic. Your parents just wanted a few things from you and you are unable to do them. Maybe I tried for something that wasn't in my reach.My Thesisurn:uuid:1061592017-04-12T10:19:10-04:00Fuck my thesis. Fuck this damn thing people are asking me to write. I don't care about writing. I want to do stuff with my hands. I hate having to share my intimate thoughts with people that I know and who will judge me for it. Fuck that shitty school system. I don't get the point of the exercice. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU. I don't want to write you. I don't want to proofread you. I don't care. This this is pointless. SHITTY SCHOOL. Fuck people who write things and make other people write things as well. Who makes other people do the things they like like everybody's interested in their shit. SELFISH ASSHOLES. Velekaurn:uuid:1061572017-04-06T17:13:03-04:00RUN! Don't be fooled by her ads wanting to let you attend her class! It's a total ripoff! You will not learn anything from her class at all. All she does is let you stand in class and ask you to read lines, what the hell are you going to learn from that? All the testimonials from her page are total bullshit for marketing purposes. When she doesn't like you she skips feedbacks on your work and does not encourage you at all, it's all a big scam i tell you! Stay away from her acting class!Gennyurn:uuid:1061432017-03-05T18:58:48-05:00Did u get thisLauren Bradfordurn:uuid:1061262017-01-11T00:50:12-05:00Jihad on you, you idiot Bitch! Look at you! Look what you have done to yourself! You DESERVE the tears you are shedding! Why? Because you ASSHOLE, you are here venting at yourself instead of doing what needs to be done! Even though you've dug yourself such a deep grave it is probably IMPOSSIBLE to fix the situation.... You should die, you know you want to right now.MY FUCKING DUMBASS RELIGION TEACHER!urn:uuid:1061152016-11-21T00:01:52-05:00IF THERE IS A GOD, I HOPE HE SENDS YOU TO HELL YOU FUCKING ASSWIPE. THIS BASTARD CALLED ME FAT (YEAH, NO SHIT I'M FAT YOU OLD SHITSTAIN) IN THE RUDEST AND MOST EMBARRASSING WAY POSSIBLE - IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS! FUCK YOU!My schoolurn:uuid:1061122016-11-08T22:32:26-05:00Hey! I don't care who the hell sees this. I am angry and I've been holding it in for a very long fucking time. Do you know how the fuck it feels to fucking keep quiet while you fucking know that people are fucking walking the fuck all over you? No! Because you're only fucking worried about yourselves. Don't fucking diss my religion if I've been nothing but fucking nice to your worthless ass. Don't you dare talk behind my back when I fucking hear you, you little shit. I can't believe I thought this damn country would be any fucking better than America. I'm tired of being this fucking little wallflower. Here dog! Fetch dog! Sit! Stand! Buy! Do! I'm fucking sick of it. Go to hell, all of you. Burn are rot! Because I have had it up to fucking here with all your bullshit. I've been quiet this whole time and it's fucking killing me. I'm done. I just can't any fucking more. That bully at schoolurn:uuid:1061072016-10-07T13:17:13-04:00Hey, asshole! You won't see this but: GET A LIFE! You ask my friends for my private Instagram photos and then laugh at them and re post them without my permission! I applaud you on how sad you are! It must be great fun doing that on an evening, rather than playing with your, um, maybe three friends?! Speaking of your friends, you say you have more friends than me and that I am a loser, but maybe you should learn to count, as twenty five is clearly more than three! Hey, one last bit of advice! Did you know that drinking bleach is great for fixing a horrible personality?!The sluts and bitches at schoolurn:uuid:1060922016-07-24T11:26:56-04:00Jihad on you, fucking girls at school. You know, just because i'm female too doesn't mean you get to laugh behind my back, hide my bag, ignore me, laugh when i trip up. Jihad on you for making me so bad about myself. Jihad on you for telling me what I should and shouldn't do. I'm sick of your FUCKING bullshit. I hope you all die in a hole. That's what you deserve. Burn in hell.Mean old decrepit secretary in my uniurn:uuid:1060802016-06-08T01:12:55-04:00eat a bag of dicks you lousy bitch, I talked to you like a decent civilized human being but instead you chose to go all ape shit on me and humiliate me in front of everyone. you should be glad I didn't go all Ramsay Bolton on your crusty ass. P.S. I know your vagina is drier and dustier than the Sahara dessert.Kimberly Doman urn:uuid:1060742016-05-24T01:17:03-04:00Why are you such a two-faced bitch? Quit harassing your teachers until they have mental breakdowns. Nobody likes you and I hope you get raped in the ass repeatedly while being forced to fill out all of your own pointless forms. These hoes ain't loyalurn:uuid:1060652016-04-07T21:13:56-04:00bitch i was straight up the best friend anyone could ever be and then u lyin to my face to hang out with the same hoe that treats ya like dirt??These hoes ain't loyalurn:uuid:1060642016-04-07T21:13:16-04:00bitch i was straight up the best friend anyone could ever be and then u lyin to my face to hang out with the same hoe that treats ya like dirt??FUCK MEurn:uuid:1060452016-01-20T11:51:10-05:00i hit a goddamn curb today because stupid ass school can't even clear out its parking lot!! Might have to get it fixed and maybe not able to see the long-distance girlfriend!! FUCK