Jihad on You! - Strangers 2025-03-12T00:37:15-04:00 Skully urn:uuid: Scott urn:uuid:106227 2018-02-28T01:05:15-05:00 test patterns repeat Wannabe friend! urn:uuid:106151 2017-03-30T11:44:49-04:00 Shame on you fucking pretentious wimp! Shame on you! You're toxic, you only talk about yourself believing that you are better?! You even DARED to call yourself MY FRIEND? I DO NOT NEED FRIENDS LIKE THIS! It is all about you and your GOD DAMN EGO! Not friendship! You always think that you are the number one. Inferiority crisis your malfunctioning dick and poor little broken heart! Those autistic kids playing hide and seek in my backyard urn:uuid:106149 2017-03-23T18:46:17-04:00 I swear, whoever takes care of those autistic kids playing in my backyard had better pay more attention to them. The last time one of the autistic young girls came in my backyard, I fucked them and they literally came in my backyard. To be fair I was extremely intoxicated and now she wont stop coming back begging for more. Help me. Renée Manzi/ crystal star PNG urn:uuid:106135 2017-02-05T08:14:27-05:00 Your a whore filled with nasty ass shit you kant, going around fucking every guy in pom city you nasty hoe your are a public toilet scum bitch you said it yourself Conor Coyle urn:uuid:106057 2016-03-01T13:40:25-05:00 I declare Jihad on you as you and your jihadnes has made me want to jihad you Markivus ideb urn:uuid:106054 2016-02-26T09:24:02-05:00 I declare Jihad on for changing his name on Facebook.. Marvikus ideb urn:uuid:106053 2016-02-26T09:05:20-05:00 I'm declaring Jihad on your for changing your name on Facebook Lana Cochran urn:uuid:106049 2016-02-23T16:03:06-05:00 Stupid fucking cunt. My mother-in-law Lana Cochran, is the biggest fucking bitch in the world. Like I bring you into my fucking home you stupid bitch. And you fucking go through my fucking personal belongings and steal from me bitch? No you dumb fucking cunt. Go put a fucking gun to your head and fucking shoot your self. No body gives a fuck about you. Your a worthless peice of shit! I am so HAPPY! That you have went through everything you have been through because you'll never be anything but a piece of shit! I am glad you were fucking ass raped you stupid bitch! I am happy that your ex husband hid in your closet and waited for you to fall asleep and then fucking beat you! You deserve everything you fucking cunt! Everything and fucking more! I hope you slip up and fuck with the wrong person and they fucking slowly torture you until you painfully die. Or you can just go slit your fucking throat. Whichever works. No words can express what a piece of shit you really are. Go fucking die bitch Oversensitive, whiny bitch urn:uuid:106016 2015-10-10T22:40:51-04:00 Okay, listen up you little whiny bitch. Instead of jumping to conclusions, use your fucking head (and not the one you stroke at night because that's your only friend you can cry to) and actually think about REALITY which you clearly don't believe applies to you. Oh, and since you are FANFUCKINGTASIC at jumping to conclusions, you can go jump off that enormous ego of yours. Go eat a teddy bear's ass. Thorpheus(fake ass name) the Sweetboy urn:uuid:105995 2015-08-20T04:16:25-04:00 http://www.vampirefreaks.com/Thorpheus Alright you little cunt face you got me banned because of your lying faggot(I pity gays that this guy is gay)ass! I hope your crackwhore mother gets AIDS! I hope you get AIDS after you suck your Daddy's fat prick and I hope you suffer and die alone you fucking butt pirate! Jihad on your entire inbred Gollum looking family and my Satan rape your asshole! JIFUCKINGHAD ON YOU!!!!! Tan Li Ching urn:uuid:105975 2015-05-30T23:15:52-04:00 Why is she here? Doesn't she have the common sense not to be inconsiderate? She is really a devil!!! I have no power to deal with a devil... That evil Tan Li Ching from Singapore always come to other people's house without shame... already knew pp dont like it still insists on coming and staying overnight!!!! what a hypocrite!!!! thinks she is part of the family instead of me.. din provide fam urn:uuid:105962 2015-05-08T06:28:50-04:00 Irritating Tan Li Ching To the wankers on that forum urn:uuid:105948 2015-04-02T18:51:47-04:00 You talk so much shit. Grow a pair and give it up with the pretentious peacemaker shit. Fucking whitekinights, shut the fuck up til you actually know what the hell is going on. Until then, give up the vanity crusades. You suck!!! Harry Leiter urn:uuid:105945 2015-03-03T22:02:28-05:00 Congratulations the jihadists have now declared religious war on you PRISSY TEOO urn:uuid:105939 2015-01-11T04:58:26-05:00 FUCK YOU !!!! RUINING MY LIFE MOTHER FUCKER BITCH SLUT Being skinny urn:uuid:105897 2014-07-03T05:49:44-04:00 BEING SKINNY IS NOT COOL Being skinny urn:uuid:105896 2014-07-03T05:48:23-04:00 BEING SKINNY IS NOT COOL Matus Trtik urn:uuid:105895 2014-06-26T11:52:48-04:00 Matus Trstik je trtko. All the maintenance people urn:uuid:105838 2014-01-07T14:27:37-05:00 I have been patient with you long enough. You can fix the air vents, the fire alarms, and the carpet when I move out. Today, I am warning you, stay the hell out of my room! That skull is on the doorknob for a reason! Your time would be better spent fixing the damn internet! Fiona urn:uuid:105831 2013-12-19T09:19:53-05:00 She lives in the past People who don't use turn signals when they're turning! urn:uuid:105793 2013-07-18T16:22:38-04:00 It's time for divine judgement upon those who fail to use the turn signals given to us by the great prophet from God himself! The old man who beeped me in his car when I broke down in the middle of the road! urn:uuid:105792 2013-07-18T13:11:55-04:00 You arsehole! My car had broken down and did you bother to get out of you little wank-mobile to see if I needed help? No you beeped at me, even when I got out of my car and yelled at you, telling you what had happened! There's a place for you in hell dickhead! Jihad Taha urn:uuid:105713 2013-05-17T05:36:47-04:00 How can your name be Jihad? JIHAD ON U Fucking Watchman!!!! urn:uuid:105704 2013-04-24T15:42:34-04:00 U Ruined my day Bastard!!!!!!!.... U brainless mother fucking bastard.......... U smell of shit & u question me...!!! Rapists urn:uuid:105693 2013-03-22T16:58:28-04:00 I hope when most of you are arrested I hope when you go to jail you get raped up the ass by everyman in jail without lube. To make sure you get no lube I hope the guys cum on the floor isntead of up your ass. No lube for you! I hope you get raped with giant metal baseball bats without lube either. Better yet I hope someone shoves their entire arm up your ass! Oh and I hope your balls are crushed with a weight, so everytime you get hard it hurts like hell! JIHAD ON YOU, PATHETIC PIECES OF SHIT!