Jihad on You! - World2025-03-12T00:37:53-04:00Skullyurn:uuid:Puerto Ricansurn:uuid:1062632018-07-17T23:13:31-04:00Bomb Up Puerto Rico ! The most racist , insecured , conceited bitches . I am so tired of these ass holes using innocent people and government for money . They also hire their own people in the job industry instead of others . This has to Stop . They also bully people around ! That has to stop Puerto Ricansurn:uuid:1062602018-07-08T12:50:26-04:00Stop puerto ricans from being racist ! And give america back their money ! Ass Holes White supremacists urn:uuid:1062462018-05-16T19:48:29-04:00YALL DUMB FUCKS NEED TO GROW UP!! THE WORLD DOESNT REVOLVE AROUND YOU OH MY GODTom Southeeurn:uuid:1062352018-03-22T21:34:41-04:00A Jihad on you Tom Southee. You lazy, prat tosser!!!Kyle pfeifferurn:uuid:1062332018-03-19T21:52:26-04:00A JIhad on you Kyle Pfeiffer - You Thief!. I hope you die from another abscess on your ass. Fuck yourself.Bullshitsurn:uuid:1062082017-11-24T05:46:26-05:00ever had a friend who brags bullshits and talks as if s/he knows every fucking element and atoms on earth? we, people that surrounds her, are so fcking with her. my shit can comprehend every lies she says.
me: my father collects cars from gasoline stations-- i think we've collected more than 20?
her: oh, we collected them all. isnt it that petron's collections were all porches while shell's are ferraris
her: you playing criminal case?
me: ye, im in case 14 chapter 2
her: oh i completed all the cases in criminal case. i can remember there was this blue guy who assists you, and the clumsy police. isnt it that the background will turn red when youre arresting the killer?
(and bitch tf, ofc it is fucking obvious you fucker)
me: what is your favorite case?
her: i dont remember. but i completed it all
me: i thought youve completed it. what is your favorite case so far again? just the description
her: i dont remember
me: in what case are you already?
her: case 20-30 or smth
her: our discussion in advanced algebra is so slow.
but my friend and i find the discussion a little fast
her: it's easy. but i dont like his teaching techniques(blahblah she once didnt like the teacher's techniques of teaching just bc she didnt understand the lesson)
before the exam, while my friend and i were reviewing. she approached me
she asked what did i get in our first quiz. her face looked like she was going to brag or smth. i said i got 48/50. and we legit saw her expression turned into embarrassment. anyways, she got 32/50. and the fact that she's attending kumon.
everything we have, she always say she has, but more. ugh fuck this
i want to release some toxic thoughts in my body but this rant is getting too long-- sooo fuck this
i think my shits got better amenNational Security Agencyurn:uuid:1062002017-10-31T12:10:04-04:00You invade the privacy of every human being on the planet daily. You have worked hard to keep your operations secret. But now we know what you are doing, and we shall not tolerate it. We shall use the full force of the law to bring you to your knees. The Holy War on the NSA continues!!!Lifeurn:uuid:1061982017-10-12T16:32:24-04:00fuck life. fuck school, fuck life fuck life fuck life FUCK LIFE IT SUCKS ABSOLUTE ASSFrusturationurn:uuid:1061822017-08-21T22:22:05-04:00BoredomEvery negative influence in my lifeurn:uuid:1061322017-01-31T10:55:25-05:00**THIS MIGHT CONTAIN ABUSIVE LANGUAGE** Okay to be honest, my entire life is fucked up right now, my friends are fake, tell me that they won't study but they do and me, the great loyal innocent me, believes them and helps them by not studying and they end up getting great marks and me getting failed.So basically since I befriended this girl 6 years ago, my grades have become gross, i was a class topper before that, and i totally regret the decision of befriending her. Actually I basically regret my entire existence. Yes, i seem like the basic teenager full of hatred for life and humans, and self hatred and always grudging and complaining, but this is adolescence, hormones are ruling over us, and thats the time when every sensible human/teen looks for someone's motivation and support, and that basically comes from your parents (for most of us), but in my case, A BIG NOPE. I have had the worst parent-child relationship with my parents ever, a really toxic relationship, my mom a basic retard, dad always supporting mom but no body there for me. Wow. My mom attacked me physically and mentally and emotionally and every -ally- you can find if you know what I mean because you aint willy wonka, bet you wont get that one too, but whatever. My crush, doesn't like me back bc of all the hot girls in my school, i'm ugly, with joint eyebrows and a wideee toothgap, and im totally ugly, hair sticky, realllllyyy hairy. I mean I dont even look like a 17 year old. Parents always screaming, no real friend, always crying, being hated, being cheated, I AM HONESTLY DONE. FUCK EVERYONE WHO RUINED MY LIFE TILL NOW.I JUST NEEDED AN OUTBURST. ThanksEveryoneurn:uuid:1061112016-11-08T13:19:44-05:00Fuck everything and everyone.
The only thing which could make me happy right now is watching this world's destruction.Hunny gupta urn:uuid:1061102016-11-02T13:54:08-04:00You bitch looser. Ugly whore, characterless piece of shot Drakeurn:uuid:1060972016-07-29T07:06:57-04:00JIHAD ON YOU MOTHERFUCKER FOR EXISTING!!! BURN IN HELL BASTARD !!!! MAY YOUR INTESTINES BE SCORCHED WITH HCL!! FOR THE GREATER GOOD!!Drakeurn:uuid:1060962016-07-29T07:06:25-04:00JIHAD ON YOU MOTHERFUCKER FOR EXISTING!!! BURN IN HELL BASTARD !!!! MAY YOUR INTESTINES BE SCORCHED WITH HCL!! FOR THE GREATER GOOD!!Mother Natureurn:uuid:1060892016-07-10T22:48:04-04:00May your waters be muddied, your forests destroyed and your humans be stupid forever. If you don't like that, then don't make it so damn cold in Australia in July each year!Mexicans who verbally abuse and bully white ladies on the L.A. MTA subwayurn:uuid:1060102015-10-04T05:23:46-04:00Horrible Mexicans on the L.A. Metro Redline station cruelly abusing a white lady who hadn’t done anything wrong. So typical of Mexican garbage to bully and harass white ladies. Jail time is what sexually arouses Mexican losers who harass white ladies.Maggie McNeil the sexual child molesterurn:uuid:1060062015-09-28T10:44:14-04:00A madam and former prostitute who calls herself Maggie McNeil arranges sex encounters between baby girls as young as five years old and adult men. Maggie McNeil is a pedophile with rape sex urges for little girls as young as five years old. Very creepy and psychologically sick.No, intelligence is not necessarily sexy, sorryurn:uuid:1060032015-09-20T14:33:11-04:00It’s so foolish to mindlessly parrot the phrase “intelligence is sexy”. No dear, not all intelligent people are sexy.Some intelligent people are violent bullies, for example – being a bully is never sexy, no matter how intelligent the bully.New TV showsurn:uuid:1060012015-09-07T20:47:57-04:00I declare the biggest jihadist jihad on new TV shows and how they are slowly turning into pornography. I like sex as much as the next guy but either writers are just done trying to make good television or we as the public are so stupid and sexually charged that we need it in order to consider a TV show to be good. It's a sad state of events and makes me wonder if the future will be nothing but porn. It needs to be kept on the private side of life not just exposed to the world for the sake of TV ratings.Stalkers are losers, including J.P.B.urn:uuid:1059902015-07-20T05:26:08-04:00You have erotomania, you stalker creep. Erotomania is a mental illness in which a psycho stalker delusionally thinks he's having a romantic relationship with either a casual acquaintance or a stranger. You're not in a relationship with me, you psycho stalker, and you never were. Three non-sexual dates is not a relationship, you childish, foolish creep. You are a delusional a-hole, you creep. The fact that you keep telling me you don't want to respect my boundaries proves you're a loser stalker. You're a loser and a failure - go commit suicide some place, you loser.Jackurn:uuid:1059722015-05-27T23:10:58-04:00Dear, Scrub. You need to leave all of your money to Jack before its too late. His credit score is too damn high.Youurn:uuid:1059312014-10-26T23:31:29-04:00FIAFIOAJOIFJADONitaFuckinWhoreBitchurn:uuid:1059242014-10-01T04:49:19-04:00You fuckin whore! Stop sucking every dudes Dick!!! They really don't want to duck your feet! Yes, feet! NO ONE wants to puck your ugly pass feet!!! You are the worst friend in the world!!!! And you are a horrific mother!!! Who the duck leaves their kid every single night of the week just so she can go out and find some guy talk about all day long??? You deserve to suffer the worst kind of hell!!! You deserve to get 5x's the venereal diseases you've spread around!! Your kid needs to be taken away from you, again!!! And your ugly ass twisted up face is fuckin ugly, bitch! Stop scrunching your face up!! You look sooooo fuckin disgusting! Your nose is really big! You have no ass at all. Basically, you look like an ugly Jew boy with tits! I hope you fall into the ocean and drown!!! Dieeeeee!!!!Fucking Assholes who chew loudlyurn:uuid:1058992014-07-09T01:41:57-04:00Why the fuck do you have to chew that fucking gum so loudly --- it is just a small strip of gum .... why the fucking mutiny mother fucker ???
and why do people have to chew so loudly and smack their fucking lips and bang the cutlery on the plate like fucking retards ........
I hate those fucking assholes who eat loudly and cannot eat in silence and peacefully....
Fuck you !!!!!!!!!!! Jihad on you !!!!! Someone slice the fucking tongues out of your fucking mouths !!!! You guys are a fucking nuisance !!!LJKurn:uuid:1058642014-03-25T12:10:54-04:00Go to hell