Jihad on You! - Society 2025-03-12T06:59:33-04:00 Skully urn:uuid: Gold digger Friends >:( urn:uuid:106253 2018-06-14T08:13:57-04:00 Mother fucker I know you're just using me. You obviously don't see me as a human being, oh you think I'll be your fucking atm. Oi fucktard guess what? You're fucking obvious motherfucker I'm not gonna go and pick you up. I told you I'm busy asshole, Oh fuck don't blame for you not getting a job you fucking suck in job interviews and you can't take proper criticism. Oh you think the fucking world will give you everything. Oh fuck I shouldn't talk like that because I'm "Rich" guess what fucktard my parents work hard and endure a lot especially my mother her boss is a fucking bitch. We're "Rich" because we save our money we didn't follow those bs trends you lots keep following. Oh don't blame me getting in a better school we both know I fucking work hard to get into that school, you think I had an easy time in that shithole heck if I didn't care about my parents I would pursue my dreams but no I need a degree that will get me a good job in our third world country. Oh and guess what my place is fucking flooded because if you watch the news like a proper adult you'll know its been raining for more than a week now, oh this is not some light rain, I'm talking about heavy rain the type that will flood the streets. Jesus fucking fuck do you know how hard it was just to go to my job on time. Well fuck of course not you dick. I'm gonna distance from you lots, I was weak back then and needed friends but guess what I'm fucking dead inside now. I don't need a lot of friends I just need a few I can trust. Oh yeah wanna know why I'm hurt because we spent 4 years as friend and now you're gonna treat me like this. Oh you want the easy life, get a fucking job don't be fucking picky dickhead. Heck I'm not happy with my job or degree. Jimatron9k urn:uuid:106248 2018-05-30T16:41:30-04:00 You are being assaulted for thy act of greed, lust and big-talk which you cannot live up to. Fat, nasty bullies urn:uuid:106230 2018-03-08T12:27:27-05:00 Yesterday, while I was waiting for a bus to take me home, a fat couple, man and woman, walked up to me and yelled at me, saying that because I'm an older woman, I'm a failure, and that anyone older than 30 deserves to die. When I responded by saying that since they are both obese, they would probably die before me, probably from a heart attack, they screamed, "I'm going to kill you!" The bus arrived just then, so I got on. This was so creepy. I hope these two day losers get heart attacks. Ugly Bitch Laura Winterink urn:uuid:106222 2018-01-22T02:30:08-05:00 Laura Winterink is a pathetic ugly ass wannabe bitch. She lives to kiss her mother's ass, she sleeps with every guy available, and oh yeah, her only friend is her dog ...LOLZ this bitch thinks she's cultured because she has an std Megan Reneau on FB urn:uuid:106220 2018-01-18T15:28:32-05:00 Megan Reneau is disgusting, because on one of the more popular social media sites with the initials FB, stated she doesn't care about very young underage girls who were sexually molested by a well-known Olympics gymnastics coach now on trial. Megan says that all little girls who are sexually molested are to blame, and that little girls deserve to be raped. Megan Reneau also refers to little girls as young as 11 or 12 by that disgusting "C" word, and that they deserve rape. What is wrong with this woman? She's very creepy and sick. This is so disturbing. The fat female bully at the gym urn:uuid:106219 2018-01-14T17:15:03-05:00 I'm a lady who works very hard at staying slender, watching what I eat, so I don't need some fat broad and her wimp boyfriend at 24 Hour Fitness ridiculing me and making fun of me - I hope she keels over from a heart attack. Which is likely, since obesity can cut a person's life expectancy in half. It would serve her right. Randy Maugans - Off Planet Radio urn:uuid:106215 2017-12-16T08:14:05-05:00 Randy Maugans is a sever case of narcissistic personality disorder and he gets his supply VIA interviewing people who promote the most Unbelievable and Unverifiable non-sense anyone can imagine allowing just enough real people on his show to drag in innocent people to listen. I had been on his show regarding matters of Law that are true and verified, before the monster posing as the human Randy Maugans showed what it really was and it isn't human at all.! Randy really liked me, a lot. He asked me to come visit his estate in Camp Hill, PA. When I told him that would never happen as big cities cause me to much UN-needed stress, he turned on me like a snake and went insane attacking me and even having anonymous people post false claims against me in the comments section of interviews we did together. I used to talk to him off air quite a bit, but after I refused his offer to visit him it was the next day I had called him on an UN-related topic and he answered the phone, WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!??YOU KNOW i AM AT WORK!! Even though I had his permission to call him anytime, it was all cool, but now he was clearly not the same guy that had interviewed me for a couple years. Stay clear of this profoundly sick individual. The bogus claim made against me is still posted after numerous requests to remove it. Keywords "remedies in law stephen miller" Thanks for taking the time to read this, as these sick Narcissistic personality disordered people are causing massive damage to our world and children, as Randy calls his own adopted son, who I helped stay out of jail, an asshole. The sign of a sociopath as well. The "truth" movement has more toxic sub-humans than anyone can really imagine, as bad as main stream media. Randy proves this fact as well. I am making a list and will post it when I get time. I am doing a bunch of new opera and metal music for 2018 so I don't have time to mess with the list of sick truthers like randy right now. Peace to all in this fight we find ourselves embroiled in. Stephen John Miller People who take up too much space on public transit urn:uuid:106206 2017-11-22T21:54:25-05:00 fUck you guys People that wear real fur urn:uuid:106205 2017-11-18T18:25:45-05:00 fuck you Pretentious PC types who add "ist" onto words urn:uuid:106185 2017-09-01T22:46:14-04:00 Fewer things are more irritating than these PC leftist types who have this neurotic compulsion to add "ist" onto words: ableist, classist, etc., while using ridiculous, pretentious words like "enculturation" and "oppression" and who claim they hate being white. So phony and attention-seeking. These are the same politically correct schmucks who hysterically freak out while accusing others of "cultural appropriation". These have to be the phoniest and most boring people around. Liberals and leftists have gone too far. urn:uuid:106183 2017-08-26T22:09:04-04:00 I'm fed up with the liberals and leftists with their politically correct bullying, constantly telling everyone what to do, what to say, and how to say it. I think PC social justice warrior bullies are more interested in controlling and dominating other people than in any justice. And their support and participation in this socialist antifa violence is psychologically sick as well as evil. Also, their obsessively repetitive lectures on how to behave is numbingly boring as well as arrogant. The stupidity of being politically correct urn:uuid:106179 2017-07-12T17:10:06-04:00 The stupidity in saying that all modern-day white people are racist is one of the more idiotic ideas of PC social justice warriors. Loony liberals admire violent criminals. urn:uuid:106175 2017-06-09T09:12:04-04:00 I'll never understand the loony contradictions of politically correct, social justice warrior liberals, progressives, and liberal feminists regarding crime. On the one hand, they want rapists to be locked up - which is something everyone agrees with - but on the other hand, they say they want all criminals to be released from prison. That's insane and irrational. But then, that's to be expected from liberals; liberals have this creepy, bizarre admiration for violent criminals. Report PC types are losers. urn:uuid:106174 2017-06-08T08:07:39-04:00 These politically correct jerks have no soul. PC social justice warriors (SJWs) have never fallen in love. They don't even love their own children. Politically correct people are bullies who want to dominate other people. PC people are creepy control freaks. Instead of emotions and a soul, politically correct types are cold, with no love and no emotions. They don't know anything about love, and PC control freaks don't even love their own kids. Political correctness is tyranny urn:uuid:106173 2017-06-07T07:35:43-04:00 There's nothing more tyrannical than political correctness. To be PC is to be a domineering bully, always bossing other people around, always telling other people what to do and what to say. These PC social justice warriors (SJWs) are not so much interested in justice as they are in bullying and bossing other people around. These fanatical PC thought police need to grow up and stop telling everyone what to do. No more PC idiocy urn:uuid:106171 2017-05-28T21:23:37-04:00 The idiocy of politically correct social justice warriors (SJWs) is totally asinine. These jerks think you're sinful if you eat food, listen to music, or buy art from non-white people. PC fanatics are bullies: don't do this, say it this way, don't wear that, wear this instead, don't listen to this or that music. Enough! PC bullies aren't so much interested in justice as they are in bossing other people around. Also, the pedantic, anal retentive nitpicking of politically correct SJWs is neurotic as well as boring. PC bullies need to grow up. Neighbors who enjoy being loud urn:uuid:106158 2017-04-08T05:03:35-04:00 This is hilariously funny: neighbors who enjoy being loud, deliberately disrupting other people on your block with excessively loud music, etc., had been sexually raped when they were kids. Very funny. North Hollywood/Studio City LAPD cops urn:uuid:106155 2017-04-01T12:53:30-04:00 The North Hollywood division of the Los Angeles Police Department has dirty police officers who snitch, especially just west of the intersection of Ventura Blvd. and Laurel Canyon Blvd. These are corrupt cops who make false accusations against other cops. Crazy Asian/South Pacific.Philippina weird lady in Studio City, California urn:uuid:106146 2017-03-11T05:43:27-05:00 This crazy, deranged psycho Asian/South Pacific/Thai/Philippina woman in my building in Studio City, Los Angeles County stated that Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck is her sexual boyfriend, therefore my mom, Isabel Nupoll, and I and other people in our building at 4326 Babcock Ave., Studio City, California 91604, need to leave, because she and her boyfriend want to live in the Rec Room at 4326 Babcock Avenue, Studio City, Los Angeles County, California, ZIP Code 91604. She is a wacko nutcase, along with here tall, long-braided boyfriend. How strange. The Bitch You Call A Sister/Friend urn:uuid:106138 2017-02-08T22:08:40-05:00 Okay...so. Whenever we would have company or house guests the older sister doesn't mind hint eveytime we have a party her so called "man" or "boyfriend " comes over but he doesn't acknowledge her as that and whenever she would get drunk or high she likes to antagonize me. Let me tell you I am a 5'2" 105lb girl and she's a 5'4" 160 or 190lb woman. I'm 18 and she's 20. I'm small and she's on the hefty side. And when she does this to me I feel like I've done something wrong. So this is what happened. She has a sister that's 18 and their both on the heavier side and I'm slim. And whenever they have company or boyfriends they tend to come after me because I guess I'm smaller and I have a nice sized ass. Now I kid you not I have considered their feelings but now it's to the point where I'm like fuck it. So the other day the older sister asks her "man" (even though he has a whole girlfriend ) if he wants to fuck me . He said"yes" but I was oblivious to their conversation and I get up to go to the bathroom and he says "come to the room with me" and I did and I asked him "what's going on?". He says "she wants us to fuck". And I'm like what, so I walk out of the room and ask her if she can come talk for a second and she says "what do you need to talk about?" And I say "you know what I'm talking about " and she gets angry 👿 and tells me that he wants to fuck and asks me if I want to and I say "no". And she called both of us liers and after that she proceeds to tell everyone that I'm trying to steal her "man". (YOU BIG BITCH) I have a whole boyfriend and plus if I really wanted him I could get him with no problem. And now she's not talking to me but you would let a bum ass nigga get between our friendship. The nerve of these fake ass bitches though but they using you for your money. All the people who call others UGLY urn:uuid:106133 2017-01-31T11:11:14-05:00 First of all you silly piece of shits who have the gut to call others UGLY, If you have a great face and all, it doesn't mean you'll call others ugly, A nice face and a trashy attitude is NEVER a good combination, and honestly if you have never been called UGLY by someone else,it doesn't mean you'll call others ugly. You don't know how it feels when someone calls you Ugly, because I and many others who are going through this know how it feels. You are pointing out something in me that I am not even responsible for, its just the fault of my parents and their parents and their parents and their parent's fault for giving such GROSS GENES to us. Completely not our fault, but because of those many sick people,we end up blaming ourselves. And self hatred is the worst thing ever,it lowers your self esteem, self confidence and it basically makes you sad for the rest of your life, its like jihad on yourself if you know what i mean. Why are you blaming yourself for something that your parents did? And to all those who are called ugly: You are not ugly and beauty isn't forever, it fades away with age, if someone likes you for your looks (or in some bad way), remove that influence from your life RIGHT NOW, because beauty fades, for how long will you depend on your beauty products for your beauty? Maximum till your 30's or 40's, after that everything will become looking cake-y and your skin won't accept all that powder on your face because it also knows that beauty needs to come from within,and it sure won't come from you SHITTY BIG MOUTHED PIECE OF SHITS WHO CALL OTHERS UGLY. FUCK YOU ALL. SOME OF THE MANY OF YOU HAVE ALREADY RUINED MANY LIVES, INCLUDING MINE. Stop with your rubbish. Let the world be a better place. JIHAD ON YOU! Go fly to mars or some other deserted planet and stay alone with your beauty and fuck the aliens out there and make beautiful babies.ALONE. DIE. FUCK YOU ALL. Angry closeted gay guy with 2 dogs on the L.A. Metro subway station urn:uuid:106123 2017-01-08T05:00:03-05:00 Horrible gay guy, in his early forties, on the Metro Redline subway in Los Angeles with two dogs (non- service animals not allowed, sorry) - one a fairly large Chihuahua mix, and the other a white Pit Bull mix - who was screaming and yelling that he didn't want me to pet his dogs because I'm a woman. He then went into a totally hysterical tirade about how much he violently hates older women, and that he looks 22 - even though it's obvious he's in his early 40s. His boyfriend - a very sweet guy - looked embarrassed about his violently angry screaming. I feel sorry for this sweet boyfriend, as well as the two gentle dogs, since this aggressor is obviously a violent jerk and a loser. Philippine Christian Fundamentalist Bullies....studying in a CATHOLIC University :P urn:uuid:106122 2017-01-08T01:32:51-05:00 You bully us catholic students, rant about our religion, and other non-Christian religious groups in general, and even sanctimoniously lecture how "great" your belief is! But really? The rest of us can't prove the existence of God. What makes you special than the rest of us? For a group that has so much ego on being "special", you people aren't really Christ-like when it comes to tolerance. And the funny thing is, that you study in OUR schools! Do you see the irony in that? If you hate us so much, just go somewhere else, you self-righteous militants! Putanginang jologs sa loob ng sinehan urn:uuid:106120 2016-12-27T21:37:08-05:00 Yeah, I'm talking about you people! Stereotypically arrogant, bombastic attitude, lacking social graces in public spaces, such as...the movie theatre! You think you are working in a BPO means you are already came to "this level" that you are one of the well-to-dos? But here you are, putting your smelly feet up on the head of the seat in front of you like it's an ottoman, not putting your cell phones on silent, talking and laughing so loudly beside your fucking friends...and even narrating everything what is already being shown on screen! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!? Are you all 12 year olds!? I'm here to see a damn movie and one of you retards behind me are making so much fucking noise with one of you assholes rocking the folding chair with your feet! I hope I meet again and I'll introduce to you my retractable club...on your fucking heads! You fucking faggots! Lisa (Angelisademon12) urn:uuid:106119 2016-12-27T07:02:57-05:00 I fuckin hate this piece of shit she made my friend almost kill herself. This means war on that bitch.