Jihad on You! - Technology 2025-03-12T00:35:50-04:00 Skully urn:uuid: All forums urn:uuid:106257 2018-06-29T16:27:07-04:00 My favorite forum site is qforums.uk.to it is way more anonymous and free and is the greatest A Dude Spamming iTellows urn:uuid:106242 2018-04-27T10:16:58-04:00 Feel free to report his posts as spam. There's no reason why he'll take as much space as possible. Follow the link sent to you and delete the message from il.tellows.org. Paradox Interactive urn:uuid:106216 2017-12-26T02:06:35-05:00 I LOST 4 HOURS OF PROGRESS ON YOUR STUPID ASS MOTHER FUCKING GAME CAUSE U DIDNT HAVE A GOOD AUTO SAVE FEATURE IMPLEMENTED U FUCKING CUNT ASS MOFOS Apple Inc urn:uuid:106199 2017-10-29T22:24:07-04:00 I love English. It's the one subject I never needed to give any effort in. Today, I noticed Apple changed their definition of what fascism/fascist meant. Now, being a person who is a bit of a bibliophile, I OWN SEVERAL DICTIONARIES. No, Apple, you might fool many of your sheeple users, and maybe some people even DON'T care, but I CARE. I do and I'm up for a new phone now. That's thousands of dollars that you won't ever be seeing from me again. I'm that mosquito that's going to cost you probably $15k-$20k just in my family alone, Apple. Fascism/fascist has NOTHING to do with being a conservative OR an "extreme" right-winger ('extreme' when not dealing with facts is a very subjective word by the way). The "native" extremists in America are the Amish (they're Christians that don't even have electricity), but I highly doubt Apple is referring to the Amish. Apple wants to promote discord and chaos and I won't support that. Webster's New World Dictionary © 2002: fascism (fash'iz'əm) n. [[ < It < L fasces, rods bound about an ax, ancient Roman symbol of authority]] [sometimes F-] a system of government characterized by dictatorship, belligerent nationalism and racism, militarism, etc. --fas'cist n., adj. THAT is the true meaning of fascism. Words don't just suddenly take on new meaning after meaning ONE thing its ENTIRE life. I'm no English major but I should be. I'm outraged. This is outrageous! Even more outrageous is nobody seems to care that the shadow government is suddenly changing definitions to the words that we've always known. If there is a war, y'all can kill each other. Leave me out of it. The Left will be the true killers, though. Need I remind everyone (yes, I do) Obama (lefty democrat) started traipsing the football players on the field for the anthem (belligerent nationalism?). In my opinion, he did this to create discord in the future (today), because A) if Hillary were elected he would almost continue his presidency through her, and B) if it swings to a republican majority house (as it usually does after being a democratic majority for 8 years) the main patriots are usually conservative Republicans who would be outraged if they saw anyone taking a knee during the anthem. The fascist left wing media has still not stopped going on about politics in any of their shows/music (talk about belligerent nationalism). Talk about being inundated with politics on a daily basis (if you have cable). There's less and less I want to see on TV so we no longer have any kind of cable. It's all literal programming. Programming viewers to act and think a certain way. "Oh , let's change the definition. I'm sure nobody will care/notice. I'm sure everyone will accept it." I do, Apple. I care. I noticed. I won't accept it. Then again, I don't drink soft drinks or tap water (I don't drink fluoride so I tend to care about everything which is NORMAL, not caring is new and NOT normal). No idea if anyone reads these, but this is the end of my tirade. I just needed to get that off my chest, but nobody is around to hear me, so here I am. On the internet. The next best thing. T.J. Jefferson urn:uuid:106184 2017-08-28T11:03:22-04:00 I’m putting a practice Jihad on my buddy TJ. Test urn:uuid:106145 2017-03-07T15:20:00-05:00 LOL this is a test The stupidity of the Stormfront registery urn:uuid:106021 2015-10-17T12:26:58-04:00 The jerks at Stormfront make it impossible to register. They have a Captcha system in which you’re supposed to complete a picture they’ve provided, but it’s physically impossible to do so. How stupid. Nintendo urn:uuid:106018 2015-10-15T17:28:04-04:00 Nintendo has not released Mother 3 in America, and making Americans wait more than needed for a English Fire Emblem Fates. XBOX FUCKING ONE urn:uuid:105938 2014-12-30T01:07:19-05:00 WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE GOING TO BEAT MY BROKE ASS INTO THE DIRT AND BURY ME. 400 FOR A SHINY PLASTIC BOX AND 60 FOR A CONTROLLER AND ANOTHER 60 FOR EVERY MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN GAME. OH DONT YOU FUCKING FORGET THE XBOX LIVE MEMBERSHIP! I MAY AS WELL PUT MY FUCKING GAME INTO MY CUISINART TOASTER AND IT WILL PLAY BETTER THAN YOU. AND EVEN MORE, SETTING UP A BANK ACCOUNT IS EASIER THAN SETTING UP XBOX LIVE. AND ALL THIS SECURITY SHIT DOESNT PAY OFF BECAUSE 3 FUCKING HACKERS WERE ABLE TO SHUT XBOX LIVE DOWN. FUCK YOU MICROSOFT YOU ARE MILKING MONEY OUT OF THIS BROKE ASS COW AND I'M SWITCHING TO PC GAMING. FUCK YOU GARAGEBAND urn:uuid:105908 2014-08-11T23:39:40-04:00 where are my musicians out there practicing enough to obtain the big guns (logic; protools) RANDOM UNSAVED QUIT/SHUT DOWN. NEED I SAY MORE??? Fucking Google urn:uuid:105906 2014-08-10T01:29:49-04:00 You're tech is shit, you fucked up youtube, you stalk us for fucking ads, and google, just an all around bull shit company. Have a chromebook, lost all of my fucking work. "we automatically save" FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Buyers Who Leave Negative Feedbacks For No Real Reasons urn:uuid:105889 2014-05-20T05:45:46-04:00 What's this? I read in forums that people get those lousy feedbacks because of things that are not their fault, such as problems with post offices. What the heck is this? Is one who SHIPS the goods on time not good enough a seller? I once ordered something for HK, I knew it will take a couple of weeks to get my package. Did I leave a negative feedback? NO, I did not because it's not the seller's fault! Windows 8, ultimate 7 users urn:uuid:105885 2014-05-16T02:35:21-04:00 Piss on your no creativity, no programming or fixing, and dumb enough to buy M.S.'s operating systems while their still in Beta Form. Buy a HP while your at it, with a AMD in it! Get smart people. JTG THIS FUCKING STUPID DOCUMENT urn:uuid:105870 2014-04-07T14:39:43-04:00 FUCK U PIECE OF SHIT U DIDNT HAVE TO FUCKING STOP WORKING IN THE MIDDL OF MY FUCKING ESSAY I WANT TO SMASH MY FUCKING COMPUTER IN HALF U USELESS PIECE OF TRASH I HOPE ILL NEVER USE U AGAIN BURN IN HELL U FUCKING SLUT H.P. M.S. & AMD urn:uuid:105863 2014-03-24T20:51:03-04:00 Hewlett Packard makes shitty computers. AMD and Microsoft helped make my piece of junk computer more useless than a boat anchor.(cuz it would break when it hit water from 1"!) So if you got stuck with a 17" HP laptop and it never worked right, check +! thanks Windows 7 ultimate urn:uuid:105862 2014-03-24T20:12:30-04:00 After arguing with you ASSHOLES for too many emails and phone calls, fuck you....Ultimate does not let you pick drivers for cool aftermarket video cards and such. Windows 8 sucks too. Quit selling America Beta versions of your shitty operating systems until they run correctly. Lying, scamming, creeps. CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS WRONG urn:uuid:105846 2014-02-11T20:40:06-05:00 Old people/mexicans/ornery hicks with no attention span and stubborn attitudes + technology + minimum wage + me == FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FUCKS I AM BIDING MY GODDAMN TIME UNTIL I GET OUT OF THIS CRAPPY PISSY TEMPORARY JOB Casper Olsson urn:uuid:105779 2013-06-06T07:44:38-04:00 Jihadonyou MSJ Admin urn:uuid:105662 2013-01-30T16:18:51-05:00 Smell my ass. Peanuts urn:uuid:105589 2012-07-31T20:10:20-04:00 errm Gawwick Wune urn:uuid:105572 2012-06-25T14:42:40-04:00 Only infidels approve their own requests for change. Legolas! urn:uuid:105567 2012-06-25T13:35:37-04:00 I am fed up with your MIA status! I have declared a JIHAD on your ass! Facebook urn:uuid:105566 2012-06-25T13:29:20-04:00 I hope you like your jihad you faggotron! HP urn:uuid:105472 2011-12-21T00:32:11-05:00 I would like to give a good hearty FUCK YOU to HP for providing horse shit support for over 2 years now. Assholes, you can't even tell me which fucking vents on my laptop are for exhaust and intake. Go fuck yourself! I'll build my own PC next time! CrossRef urn:uuid:105453 2011-11-24T06:47:54-05:00 http://dx.doi.org? Die CrossRef! Die!