Jihad on You! - Big Business2025-03-12T00:30:27-04:00Skullyurn:uuid:Thomas Edisonurn:uuid:1062322018-03-16T20:46:00-04:00Fuck you Thomas Edison, for being a liar and greedy prick. You stole other peoples designs (Nikola Tesla case in point) and never kept your word. You are for sure the Wizzer of Menlo Park. I piss on your grave - dickheadCory Silverurn:uuid:1062282018-03-02T11:21:33-05:00Cory Silver you are a fucking dirty, sneaky, slimy gangster. Thank you for running Target into the ground. You did a great job.Fucking jewsurn:uuid:1062232018-01-26T06:22:25-05:00Fuck you jewish assholes, suck a dickPaypalurn:uuid:1061662017-05-17T05:09:23-04:00You are thieves. Plain and simple.Cruel eBook Sitesurn:uuid:1061562017-04-06T03:25:55-04:00Stop referring me to other services to which I should register. Let me download immediately!Jihad on Comcasturn:uuid:1061282017-01-16T08:26:28-05:00Fuck you comcast. Just fuck you.Egged Israelurn:uuid:1061182016-12-21T03:11:50-05:00Why should I take a bus and drive to your place, thus paying more than the refund you owe me/
Gopinathurn:uuid:1060912016-07-16T02:29:41-04:00dai rascal, engalukku salary kudu raa naayae. un ponna kadathiduvoam. rascal, nee nallaavae irukka maata.My local post officeurn:uuid:1060812016-06-15T19:40:20-04:00I hate you. You worthless piece of crap. You get nothing right. It can't be that difficult to send some fricking mail. You must be run by idiots. I HATE YOU.BYUurn:uuid:1060482016-02-16T02:05:59-05:00Holy War!The fucker who kicked my dog last night and shit on my yardurn:uuid:1060352015-12-19T00:42:56-05:00How dare you kick my dog you sweaty fat bastard and then proceed to take a shite on my lawn. Preposterous!The Muttr website is fraudulenturn:uuid:1060122015-10-05T17:09:13-04:00The owner of the Muttr is a jerk, because he plays favorites as to whose comments he publishes. It won’t be long before the popularity of Muttr will fade, as more and more people will drop away. By the beginning of the coming year,that website will be nothing, due to the lack of posters – caused by the owner’s shortsightedness and power ego childishnessSo-called cosmetics "historian" Talia Felix is an ignorant jerkurn:uuid:1060022015-09-19T12:12:39-04:00LOL! Some ignorant jerk named Talia Felix, who claims to be a so-called makeup and cosmetics "expert" (yeah, right: ha, ha) , is running around saying that makeup worn by 1900s - 1920s movie star Theda Bara was brightly colored: red mascara (wtf?), purple lipstick, and brown and peach eyeshadow. No way. Fake and not true. This Talia Felix nitwit has her own odd, stupid little agenda and doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. Throughout the 1900s and into the 1920s, color palettes for makeup shades were rather limited. Eyeshadow was often achieved by applying the leavings of burnt cork, among other items. Red was the only shade for lipstick, and the only foundation face makeup was called "rachel". It was Max Factor who innovated the advancement of makeup colors and shades for women.Broniesurn:uuid:1059672015-05-25T03:20:01-04:00Bronies are pony fucking pedophiles.Nigerian Bidness Mensurn:uuid:1059292014-10-14T06:48:48-04:00Excuse me, but I never had a rich uncle who moved to nigeria. Stop telling me I do or at least do bidness with me. Pls.Nigerian Bidness Mensurn:uuid:1059282014-10-14T06:32:35-04:00Excuse me, but I never had a rich uncle who moved to nigeria. Stop telling me I do or at least do bidness with me. Pls.Afghanistanurn:uuid:1059272014-10-13T09:30:43-04:00You missed out on the big bidness we had planned, I still need the blood of fifty children. So uh, yeah, meanie.Kahli Al-Assadurn:uuid:1058772014-04-16T17:54:21-04:00I WILL SLAY YOUR GOATSRALSTON BRADY, Torontourn:uuid:1058672014-04-01T22:13:52-04:00You worthless piece of shit!
If you did not want to do the printing, man up! & say so ...you fucking assshole!!RALSTON BRAD.urn:uuid:1058652014-03-25T22:17:44-04:00You WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!!!
You told me you would be available to get the work done, but you totally ignored my calls & emails for a time to meet up .
FUCK YOU & DROP DEAD!!!John Doniaurn:uuid:1058532014-03-10T18:52:14-04:00JIHAD ON YOU FOR NOT KEEPING YOUR WORD.Aila Kamohadurn:uuid:1058522014-03-04T18:57:09-05:00I wanna Fucking harder with God of ALA Ala hu Akbar Suck his CockDov Joffeeurn:uuid:1057802013-06-20T00:50:38-04:00A Jihad on you for crumby arabic television and providing it to the goyimFelixurn:uuid:1057202013-05-21T06:49:48-04:00He is a JIAHDMcDonalds!urn:uuid:1057152013-05-18T17:13:46-04:00Your food is to unhealthy! I know a person called dhor, he is addicted to mcdonalds and teamboxes! He eat like 3 times mcdonalds a day!