Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoTo everyone at the wine tasting table at last weekend's wedding:
All of you were gushing about the wine selection and how delicious and wonderful it was. Bullshit! It was disgusting because wine is always disgusting. It tastes like chemicals.
When you say you "love" a glass of wine, aren't you really just saying "this is the most tolerable glass of piss I've had all day"? Way to downgrade the concept of love.
To Fraggle (the girl sitting next to me whose gums show too much):
You're so fake. You said you "loved" one particular glass "so much" and made such a huge deal about how terrific it was. Then I saw you pour it out on the floor.
Maybe you're all trying to be classy? Maybe it's like the Emperor's new clothes? Either way, it turns out you're all liars.
Declared by Ashley on Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Add a commentWine does suck, drink beer you pussies!!!
The sight of a wine drinkers swirling "the most tolerable glass of piss" around their your glass while eating cheese makes me wanna puke on their face. Maybe then they can tell me how something tastes!!!
By Rich Rod on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 6:19pm