Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoI hate fucking dead beat loser dads....all you mother fucker should carry a sign saying you are worthless dad, so all the good women in the world will know to stay the fuck away from you. Some boys need to grow up and be a man......saying you are a man doesn't make you so.....middle finger in the air for all the dead beat dads out there.....you know who you are......fucking losers. I hope the next female you meet is juggle nuts like a squirrel....because what come around goes around......fucking cunts.
Declared by a venting single mother on Monday, October 8, 2007
Add a commentdon't think it gets better. seriusly, i have seen alot of stupid idiots at my school, barely addults, but as stupid as second grades people, who are acting hardcore assholes like everyday, drunk every weekend, cause they dont got sense to do anything more sober
(obs, australiens might be drunk every weekend, but donnt mean they are stupid the rest of the week)
well now im on collage with quite a few nerds (hurray for the technical collage), and i think overall its much better, i think it helps by the interrest and now i think i understand why serveral magazines write that girls are begining to preffer nerds instead of others.
for the rest of them, who are like these idiots, well i hope you get a good job, and change by time
By Elias on Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 6:34pm