Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoDear Fuckface,
Did you know that you are fucking, fuck-face? No seriously, I want to slam a giant, hardened terd-club into your jack-hole and then kick you in the pussi-fied, dickless area between your legs where your cock sharnk up into you flabby fleshness, oh so long ago.
You and your fuck-tardedly awesome corpulent chud body are the reasons that women tear their eyes out and set themselves on fire after acid douching their naughty bits just in case the mere visual impact of seeing you has somehow made them less desireable and or infected with your ug-ulence.
You are the walking corpsicle-puke maggot and the cunty, sweat-drenched space between your non-existent penis and your crap hole smells like a baby's coffin.
You make me want to turn inside out and swallow myself, just to escape the thought that you exist.
Does it hurt to know that the universe wakes up every morning crying, "Holy Fuck! The end is near!" because it sees your pasty, down-sydrome-like face?
I hope you die soon and that mystical, bloodthirsty voles descend on your rotting remains to expedite your non-presence from this or any other mortal coil.
I hope you die. But first, in lieu of the fact that you current well-being depends on it... you had better sign those divorce papers bitch.
Your Ex-Wife's New Awesome Boyfriend with the Huge Cock
Declared by Tyler on Tuesday, October 9, 2007
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