Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoI can't stand it when people use the word depressed like it was something normal and everyday. Depression means and unusual and significantly long term sadness. Regardless of what all the pharmaceutical commercials may have led you to believe there is another word for what you have. It is such a pity that no one is sad anymore; I say it's a pity because they say "I'm depressed" when they really mean "I'm sad". "My puppy died today I'm so depressed" pft. I think people should stop using this word unless they have actually been diagnosed. What's this world coming to. God eat some chocolate you sad sorry little people. And if you really think you're depressed for heavens sake talk to a doctor or a councilor.
Declared by P.J. on Tuesday, October 9, 2007
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By Jonathan K. on Tuesday, October 9, 2007 at 5:53pm