Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
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How could you do it. I mean honestly. Did you think our friendship could survive you dating my exboyfriend. The guy I went out of my way to explain what he looked like, exactly where he lived, and his full legal name. I think you thought I was just stupid that I wouldn't see you both around our tiny campus. How could you think me so naive. I love you girl, but I'm no fool. I was when I was dating him. I don't want him back you can keep him, but you can't have us both. It's too hard for me; no I don't love him. I don't hate him either, but I don't want to be around him. It's bad enough that you put him up to talking to me sometimes and he asks my former roommates if they are "my spies" Heaven help me where do you come up with that crap. I would be impossible for me not to know about you both it's not like you really tried to hide what's been going on. I never want to see you or talk with you again, but I know that I will. That's the problem with going to this tiny school. It's just impossible not to run into you sooner or later. Oh and that brings me to another point. Don't friggin' come up to me and kiss my cheek. It's not only gay, but very inconsiderate considering all of the crap you do. I don't want you near me much less that close. I have a wonderful loving boyfriend now. Someone who will treat me right. He is not going to compare his love for me to a roast beef sandwich. Where do you get off telling me that he said he loved you more than that and asking me about it, huh? Are you honestly that clueless that you didn't think that connected somehow last year. I mean wtf girl. It hurt. It still stings a bit, but I'm getting over it. My boyfriend now is patient and kind and understanding of the fact that I'm not a virgin anymore. And no he's not the portrait of perfection unlike what you and your boy may assume; he is not part of our faith. That is not the reason I left the boy you are currently dating. I know he finds solace in that thought,but he shouldn't because he is wrong. I didn't dump him entirely for the fact that he was an atheist. I dumped him because he was just plain wrong for me and I knew that I would wind up hurting myself badly if I stayed with him. He knows I would. I tried to...once. No one has ever caused me to feel so much sadness. Well one other person, but frankly that's none of your business either. Just like it's not any of my business that I saw the way you were dressed yesterday or that your boy is fat. At least when he was mine he was fitter. But that not the point. You betrayed my trust. I want to be your friend, but I am choosing not to be. Jihad on you and whatever may come of your relationship.
Declared by PJ on Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Add a commenti hate those fked up, up-there-own-ass chicks that have no respect. AHHHHHHHHH JIHAD ON THOSE PIG COW BITCHES!!!!
By lilith on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 4:30am