Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoDear parrents, you might have a good way to raise kids, and to learn them stuff, as others don't normaly would learn by their parrents.
please, let us be a bit more free than this.
stop being so overprotecting about us, if you don't think we can take care of us selves(mature ->) then you probably did raise us in the wrong way.
- DO NOT call the police, because we aren't home 2 hours later than supposed by our schedule.
please. be a little more individual, we have friends and hard study. cleaning, moving stuff(twice) and more as you can do your self, please stop yelling after us for these things.
dad- stop making a dinner as fills the whole damm dishmachine, yours take 20 min to clean, mine takes 2.
mom, when you scream, i know its because you want me to do something very easy ,and again, and them some more, as is of your interrest, please reconssider why i somethimes might not respond.
listne some more to your kids, and stop saying these redicualus things you think you know as you dont kow anything about.
i will like to stay home from vacation, cause i got teamwork in the school, and futher more homework.
"respond: the school don't make homework for the vacations"
my teacher said another day in the class cause the studentd didnt want homework. "what do you think this is ? ofcurse there is homework in the vacation, its collage, when i get home from work, i dont just trow my backpack into a corner and relax"
and liky stuff, its not 195x anymore, its nither 1960
we dont run aroundf and look like hippies anymore like 70 and 80.
it's not only the clothes, but also the society, and school stuff changes even faster all the time.
do this, or prepare for "revolution" (holy war)
Declared by Elias on Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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