Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoIf Democrats get elected, taxes will soar, and the quality of our health care system will deteriorate. Perfect examples of this can be found in Europe, Canada, and even in our original colonies. It can take weeks and even months to get a doctor's appointment in these countries, because everyone gets to go for free. The health care employees are overworked, and underpaid. There is no INCENTIVE to work harder, because the government has regulated their pay. In the case of our original colonies, farmers, hunters, craftsmen, etc all contributed their goods or services to the settlement. These were divided up equally, and given to the settlers no matter how much they put in. This type of action gave the people no INCENTIVE to work (no matter how little you put in, you will be given a share equal to everyone else's back). This results in the 20-80 rule; where 20% of the people do 80% of the work, while the other 80% only do 20% of the work, yet receive the same benefits.
Haven't we learned yet? If people can't reap the benefits of their labor, more and more people will refuse to work. These slackers will then feed off of the system and put nothing back into it (aka WASTE). In the long run, this will be extremely detrimental to our country and will surely slow our productivity and innovation.
I don't mind helping out people in need, but I want to see that person working hard to get back on their feet. For example, last summer a client at the vet clinic I work for boarded her cat with us for six months. She lives in government housing, for free, and has no job. When she came in to pay her $1000 boarding bill, she told us she would need to wait for her welfare checks to come in and she would pay with that. That's right, $1000 of your tax dollars just paid for "Precious" to stay in the kitty hotel. Mind you, this woman was not disabled or crippled by any means; she simply did not want to work.
This has to be stopped. America is the land of opportunity. However, these opportunities should not be "freebies". Our founding forefathers put a lot of hard work and effort into forming this country, shouldn't we be doing the same? Let me once again refer back to the 20-80 rule; what if it was reversed? What if we had 80% of the people working hard and only 20% slacking? Can you imagine how many technological, medical, and societal advances we could make if that many people were WORKING?
Let me close by saying that I do agree with Obama one on point, "it's time for change". It IS time for change. Time for America to stop sliding on this socialist hill and realize that we're headed for danger.
Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, February 23, 2008
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