Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoFor being an overbearing asshole. I asked a simple, serious question and expected some intelligent, thoughtful, maybe even helpful answers from the community. When I saw that a "Platinum Member" had responded, I thought my troubles were over.
But no...you just attacked the semantics of my question - semantics that have no bearing whatsoever on the solution - and made no attempt to contribute anything of value.
I'm so sorry that I used the term "butt-loads" instead of giving you an actual spec, you vindictive prick. I wasn't taking into account the size of YOUR butt, now was I? How insensitive of me.
I wish I could kick your kneecaps in, you bitter, nit-picky, disgusting pile of bad pasta. Go back to your soft-rock and smooth jazz if you're not going to make yourself even remotely useful.
Declared by Bad mood on Friday, May 16, 2008
Add a commentDave always was a vindictive little prick. He constantly berated everything I did. My handjob motion was never consistent enough for him. I couldn't even give him a sponge bath without him complaining that I forgot to wash the caked feces of his overly hairy thighs.
Nothing was ever good enough for him. If he wasn't too gigantic of a man to climb the stairs from his basement apartment I would throw him out of my house.
No amount of him tossing my salad can ever make up for what he's done to me.
By Dave's Mother (Libby) on Friday, May 16, 2008 at 4:55pm