Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoI have asked the Imams for a thousandfold jihad on the stupid@$$ voters who called their congressmen and told them to vote against this "bailout" package. You STUPIDLY think it is about bailing out FatCat CEO's and people who don't deserve it. What about me, the little guy? I'm not rich, and I'm getting poorer by the moment as I watch the value of my IRA go down today because you ignorant idiots voted in dumb@$$es who voted down the plan. And the market tumbles, as well as my few holdings. Get your head out of your @$$ and try to get the facts about something. Oh, I forgot - I'm asking the same people who drive down the road at 40mph in 70mph zone in the left lane because they are talking or texting on their G.D. cellphones to do something rational.
Declared by JihadMonger on Monday, September 29, 2008
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