Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infowhen i first met you, i thought you were cool and different. well turns out your different, but your not cool. i dont know if you realize this or not, but you are the biggest bitch to me. making fun of my nose, my accent, my clothes, friends, under the influenceness... what the fuck is wrong with you? i mean, your one to speak. there is so much i could make fun of you for, but i dont because im just not a mean person, which is more than i can say for you. you try too hard to be "different" and "unlike everyone else". sure, you achieved that goal. but in the absolute worst way possible. if there is one person who will gloat in my face, tell me all of my bad qualities/traits, brag about your awesome friends and awesome life, and make me feel sorry for small pointless things that happen, IT WOULD BE YOU. ive been putting up with your shit for a year and a half, and now im ending it. you say im an attention whore. well, honey, look in the fucking mirror. your lime green pants and orange bangs and crackwhore ways SCREAM attention whore. i dont know where you get the idea that everyone loves you, but its not from anyone i know. your a bitch and nothing more. i cant believe we were even friends in the first place. im so damn sick of you. its time for me to get revenge someway, somehow, but it will be done. when you finally figure out what i could have possible done to deserve your lifetime PMS, let me know. until then have fun getting drunk and high every night thinking your the shit with your "amazing" friends that secretly hate you. you have a lot to learn, bitch. a LOT to learn.
Declared by twentyone. on Saturday, December 6, 2008
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