Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoWhat the fuck is the deal! Why do you ignore me like I don't exist when I am sitting right fucking next to you? Why the fuck can't you listen even though it is your own fault that things are so fucked up for you! FUCK YOU, YOU SELF-CENTERED, SHIT-FOR-BRAINS, EGO-FUCKING BITCH!!!!
Declared by Jee Had on Monday, February 9, 2009
Add a commentI don't blame you for being pissed off. She's one of the most fucked up people of all time. She's exactly what you've described about a selfish bitch. First, this bitch breaks my friend's heart by not telling him herself that she's with a new boy. Second, she bitches to him about the problems she's having with the douchebag and when he tells her that he's a punk, she gets mad. Then she gets mad when I tell her to be careful with on and off stuff. Instead of just letting it go, she plays the pussy and goes to my friend. When I confront her, she lies saying she never did that and proceeds to talk out of her ass. I decide to make peace with her, but she, a so-called Christian doesn't forgive. She's a fucking hypocrite who doesn't deserve to be happy. Because of her, I had my friends accuse me of being irrational. WTF?! The fucking cunt started this shit by not being honest with me in the first place. SHE'S the one who won't forgive and forget. K is somebody who can't be trusted. I hope somebody comes at her and kicks her fat ass!
By Anonymous on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 11:25pm
Why is it that so many women are the exact same?
When women say "pffft, men are all the same" i laugh my pants off. what? we like sex? big fucking deal.
Atleast we're not dumbcunt arrogant bitches who mess around and manipulate people
By Anon on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 2:07am
Holy fuck,where did you guys come from,right fuckin on,I was with that kind of women for 14yrs,and thats all she did was lie and cheat on me but when I caught her she got so fuckin mad, and told all of our friends that I was a fuckin monster who check her emails and her cell phone,fuck did she ever get mad when I did that,well you dumb bitch the reason your mad is you got caught and thats all there is to it. So to justify breaking up you told everyone you lived with a monster so you had to leave,selfish,lying,cheating bitch, and thats it
By stephen on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 11:33am
You woman hating fucks better grab one of those selfish bitches and hang on tight cause you going to be old and lonely sitting in a room with you hand on your own dicks
By Anonymous on Saturday, May 9, 2015 at 8:38pm