Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoStop attacking CHURCHES and religious people's rights to worship as they have for centuries! That's why our founding fathers came to this country, you dumb fucks, to worship freely without some dumb fuck to dictate what is right and wrong. You want to know what's right and wrong? Go consult GOD. He'll tell you. Other than that, leave us ALONE! What's wrong with you?? You have your civil unions with all the rights you wanted!! Now you want to redefine the word Marriage so that everyone has to agree with your butthole lifestyle. I don't think so, not in your life!! What happend to respecting other people's OPINNIONS and RELIGIOUS RIGHTS. Stop trying to force churches to go AGAINST what they KNOW TO BE WRONG! I don't feel sorry for you, you weren't made slaves like black people and you're basic rights were not denied like black people's were. So DON"T compare yourselves to BLACK people's history!!
Declared by inyourface on Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Add a commentTruth be told! 100 marks up (if I could give them, unfortunately, only one per person).
By totallyright on Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at 2:05pm
"That's why our founding fathers came to this country, you dumb fucks, to worship freely without some dumb fuck to dictate what is right and wrong. You want to know what's right and wrong? Go consult GOD. He'll tell you. Other than that, leave us ALONE!"
Really? You know, religious freedom also means the right NOT to worship or NOT to worship Jesus Christ or God. Most of our founding fathers were atheists. And it's not very Christian of you to use profanity and condemn other people because they love people of the same gender. How 'bout focusing on yourself and keeping your moronic views outta my bedroom? What do you care what other people do in their own homes? How does that affect you? Oh, and we don't have civil unions everywhere, you moron. Nobody's declaring war on marriage except you self-righteous hypocrites who always get caught up in public-sex sting and molestation scandals. You really want to "protect" marriage? Outlaw divorce. You're probably on your seventh marriage. Judge not, lest ye be judged!
By Anonymous on Sunday, May 3, 2009 at 8:11pm