Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoYou douche bag. Jihad on you for purposely winking and flirting with me pretending to be interested in me when you weren't and for taking advantage of the knowledge that I was interested in you and leading me on so that you could take advantage of my attention and affections for your selfish gain. You lifted my hopes up to then drop me like a cow pie. You never told me to back off! Why? Because you liked my attention, asshole, but didn't give a fuck that you were hurting my feelings. You never acknowledge my feelings. And on top of that, there were HT rules you were suppose to follow, for instance, if you know the girl likes you, you're not suppose to be that girls HT anymore, but you didn't give a fuck for the rules. You did what you wanted to do and that makes you fucking dishonest (on top of you not being honest with your own feelings toward me and my family). Why should I acknowledge your existence when you never acknowledge my feelings. I hope you choke on red salmon and douche pie, you douche bag! You're still a politician at heart, because you practice dishonesty. A silver tongue and no true feelings.
Declared by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Add a commenthaha "drop me like a cow pie"?
the moral of the story: don't flirt with desperate dan
By Bill on Friday, February 26, 2010 at 12:27pm