Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoMe again, with another open letter for YOU, Billy Boy.
This is a reminder that Vista still sucks, and get's more suckier by the mother fucking minute. When will you ever learn? IF IT IS NOT BROKEN, DO NOT FIX IT! And if it, then do so!
I just created a fucking base beat in LMMS for a melody I was making, and the stupid, piece of shit, fucked up HAL/Kernel/Shell/whatever part caused it throws an error. What the fuck?
Declared by Angry Microsoft Customer on Sunday, November 29, 2009
Add a commentBro, I agree, but like my bitch, it was sold in beta version. When they got the programs caught up( manufactures & windows) then they made 7 it was piss on Vista. Get windows home 7 for 69$ and enjoy it while you can. These fucking crooks will keep doing it and lemmings will keep buying!
By jeffthegeek on Friday, June 13, 2014 at 3:43am
Hey all you fucking Morons on your "smart" phones while you drive, HANG UP. Most people can't drive for shit(blinkers, illegal turns and lane changes, on and on) If you can't do the 1st(drive) why are you doing the 2nd? Smart phones don't make you any smarter either, in fact, they help make you more forgetful! Think about it, (ask Google, idiot!)SAJ
By Pissed off Driver on Friday, June 13, 2014 at 3:52am