Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoTo the asshole giving us the burning sun, may the devil himself shove your head up your ass while your cock is slammed with a huge sledge hammer and roasted with that stupid fireball in the sky at 1000*C.
Declared by Dr. Ivana Kutckakokoff on Saturday, December 26, 2009
Add a commentI see you believe in God.
By Anonymous on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 at 12:50am
No, I was referring to the Greek god Helios there.
By Dr. Ivana Kutchakokoff on Thursday, January 7, 2010 at 6:18am
Then again, he is a Greek Weather God. So I guess I sort of do.
By Dr. Ivana Kutchakokoff on Thursday, January 7, 2010 at 6:18am
Inside Jihad is short less than 200 pages, and written in what I call plain English . It is EYE OPENING. Dr. Hamid dcbireses how he was recruited into a Jihad movement while a young medical student in Egypt, how he was encouraged to change from a secular Muslim son of successful, secular parents into a radical Muslim; and how he managed to escape the seduction of Islamism (radical Islam). Speaking from inside knowledge, he explains the difference between the Islamic practices of Sufism and Salafism the latter of which is the basis of radical Islam. And he then explains why Islamism was able to spread from Saudi Arabia throughout the Muslim world starting in the latter half of the 20th century. He dcbireses the goals, strategy and methods used by Islamists. He also explains the phenomenon of the silent majority of non-radical Muslims.Dr. Hamid sheds light on how fundamentalism has been able to rapidly sweep through Muslim countries in the last 40 years, radical Islam's success in recruiting more and more Muslims to radicalism and what the West can do to stop the spread of Islamism. In analyzing the spread of Islamism and its goals, he clarifies its true causes as well as a whole list of commonly, but wrongly held notions of its causes. As he says, as in medicine, to treat a patient based on a symptom that you attribute to a wrong disease will not result in a cure. To treat incorrect causes of Islamism will also not result in a cure. In explaining the difference between the Koranic verses and the Hadiths and how the latter has been used to radicalize Muslims, Dr. Hamid also gives us an answer to reversing this process.There is more worthwhile information, common sense and reality based proposals for combating this danger to the modern world packed into these 200 pages than in everything I have read on radical Islam combined. I highly, highly recommend it.
By Sharon on Friday, April 20, 2012 at 4:08pm