Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoI've had feelings for you for the longest time. I've never acted on these feelings but you're pretty clever and I know you know how I feel about you. I'm not smart, funny, creative, or anything special but thats reason to talk about me like I'm some creature! I'm sick of hearing you and others talking about how unattractive I am!
Declared by Anonymous on Sunday, February 20, 2011
Add a commentForget Kevin. He'll end up wasting his brains and beauty on some redheaded Liberal Arts major who never mastered the correct order of words in a sentence and thinks drowning her Last.fm page in Canadian post-rock makes her look cool, and you'll realise you've wasted too many time, nerves and emotions on a guy that really wasn't as clever as your infatuation made you believe.
Better save your feelings for someone who'll appreciate you for the attractive creature you are.
By Anonymous on Monday, February 21, 2011 at 5:17pm
Agreed. Liberal arts majors have shit for brains and are ultimately unemployable.
By Anonymous on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 10:51am