Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoA smart man will never admit his intelligence.
A rich man will never flash his money.
And a confident man will act modest.
95% of the North American population walks around with their chins up and looking down at the rest.
They peddle sh*t like "what, you think you are better than me?"
and "look at you being all smug"
Smoke and mirrors. That's the sign of a hypocrit trying to cover the stench of their own bullsh*t.
I love how they downgrade you because you are smart, rich, or confident.
North America is the ONLY continent where smart people are called nerds. Everywhere else in the world, smart people are looked up to. The idiots that receive C in school are made fun of. If you don't graduate with a B+ consider yourself ex-communicated.
Here, any sign of success, in any way you excel, they take you right down. They walk around bragging about being smart, rich and confident.
They most insecure part of the world is North America. And superiority complex is a by product that spawns from a lack of self confidence.
Then they all say "money isn't everything and it doesn't buy you happiness". So you feel like crap because you want to make a success of yourself.
The IRONY, they would kill for a million dollars.
So PLEASE, don't preach me this bullsh*t about who you are, and STOP disrespecting others.........maybe by showing some respect for yourself.
But in way, I hope you remain just at the level you are. You easier to control when you are in a herd.
Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Add a commentI am Lucifer. Fall on your fucking knees and worship me.
By Loïc on Monday, July 18, 2011 at 2:45pm