Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoOnly in North America will someone claim to be your best friend then burn you, disrespect, and sell you out in front of others.
I have mmmannny of these so called friends. One would trip over his own ego to look cool in front of new people he would meet. He would make me look like shit in front of others.. Where did he find himself a year later?
He found himself getting drunk at a party then calling me asking why I never call him to hang out.
In the country that I am from. Friends stick together. If they are introduced to a new social scenario, they will back each other up. If one is down, the other will support him. Not here.
Another jag-off that called himself a best friend would constantly disrespect me. Especially if I was in a bad mood and needed emotional support. Holy sh*t, for self-interested North Americans, emotional openess is a sign of weakness. They swoop in and take you down. Where did she find herself a year later?
I was walking by her house and her mom told me "She's right inside, not doing anything"
Ya...no sh*t. You treat your friends like sh*t, you get sh*t.
Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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