Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoSo I had this 'friend' who would always say she was either 'busy' or overloaded with work or family or something. Or if none of those excuses were feasible (because I knew her schedule), she would lie and say she was babysitting with no way out.
Here's my question: If you don't want to hang out with, why not just say it. Why keep me on a string coming up with stupid ass excuses testing my patience?
Right, the answer for that is selfish.
She is a selfish bitc*!
She would only want to hang out when SHE wanted to, when SHE had something to bitch about. But my needs were unimportant. So she strung me, and used me for her own gain.
FU** you.
Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Add a commentSim- whose feelings got hurt here? Yours not mine.
By Jacqueline on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 6:05pm
I was more than a friend and we both know this. The reason I blew you off is because you HAVE a girlfriend now. Not only that, but I went so out of my way to see you considering the distance and the car situation. When we were together, we spent weeks at a time together. I'll always be your friend Sim. Its not my fault that every past lover of yours ranted on this site. You toyed with my feelings so I ranted too. Very childish and immature of me, but i fesh up and admit that i did it. I hope you get sober. when you do, maybe then we can get together and go to the beach or something as friends.
By jackie on Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 1:56pm