Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoI am so sick of you lying fuckfaces who act like genuine human beings for YEARS, saying all the right things and convincing me that I can trust you because, hey, YOU'RE not a lying motherfucker from hell like the last guy, and then all at once, when *I* fucking need help for a change, you pour out all of your hidden baggage and shitty addictions and admit to all the MAJOR FUCKING THINGS about which you've been lying to me over the last ten months. And then you, a "genuinely remorseful human being who just wants to make things right" decides that the "right thing to do" is to leave me. Alone. When I was already needing support and after you've destroyed my perception of my best friend and boyfriend. Apparently you never cared about doing the "right thing" for me before, like when you disregarded my desire to be abstinent, so HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU USE THAT EXCUSE NOW? The worst part? That I told you this EXACT same story before, and how whenever I brought up my past experiences, when I was ACTIVELY trying to avoid those same mistakes, you talked through them with me and made out like you would never do those things. How the FUCK am I supposed to trust anyone else who comes along? You lying sack of shit, I declare a jihad on your ass and on the asses of all men and women like you, who maybe understand right and wrong but choose to piss on other people's emotions anyway. No I will not "still be your best friend", no I will not text or call as often as you want, because while you didn't watch your best friend get consumed by addiction and weak character, I did. While you were NEVER betrayed and made to feel unwanted, I was. And that means that you get to "be alone to sort out your problems". Exactly like you wanted. And until the jihad reigns down upon your untrustworthy, dishonest, selfish, immature, hypocritical self-- I hope you actually try to make something of your life. Because you deserve to have the thing you love most taken away from you, and revealed to you that it never was yours.
Declared by Kay on Friday, October 14, 2011
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