Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoYou know who you are, you stupid little bitch. I was your friend. I was there for you whenever you needed a shoulder to cry on. And then when I needed someone you ignored me. Later you told me that you thought I was upset because I was jealous of you. You are fucking delusional, honey. No one is jealous of you. You know how you are always complaining that you have no friends? That is because you are a selfish little bitch, NOT because people are jealous of you. You know how you think women hate you? That is because you sleep with their partners, NOT because they are jealous of you. You know that time we walked into the bar and everyone turned around and gave you a dirty look but you didn't notice because you are too self absorbed and then you got shitty at me because i asked if we could go somewhere else? Well, those people weren't jealous of you either. I have no idea what you did to piss them all off (I assume it was a combination of slutting around, accusing people of being jealous of you, and not giving a shit about anyone else's feelings) but they sure as shit weren't jealous of you.
Anyway, I hope you catch genital warts from your mothers boyfriend.
Declared by Caz on Monday, September 24, 2012
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