Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoDrunks are the biggest infidels there are. With nothing else to find to do with their sorry little lives they drink themselves stupid and with their loud voices tell everyone what they think is wrong with everything. Sober up you sluts and stop finding fault with everyone else and fix your own selves before you find fault with everyone within sight or shouting distance. Go ahead and have another drink and stagger yourselves into heavy traffic. You would be doing the whole world a favor. If staggering that far is too much for you just have a few more so you can pass your shitty selves out and no one has to listen to your crap and when you wake up have another bottle and pass out again. No one cares about people who care so little for themselves that they pee and vomit themselves nightly. You are loud, stink and have no purpose in your sorry lives but to annoy everyone in your paths. I hope you stumble down a huge flight of stairs and never regain consciousness you filthy pigs.
Declared by Annie on Thursday, December 20, 2012
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