Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoWho the hell do you think you are, missy? Even calling you a bimbo would be a compliment. You should do yourself a favor and learn that YOU'RE NOT GOING TO APPEAR INNOCENT AND CUTE BY USING A FREAKIN ANNOYING KITTEN VOICE. You make me want to puke each time you call people with cute names to make yourself likeable, when in fact, you're just a freakin BITCH!
And you better stop trying to hit on people's boyfriends (like MINE!) because revenge is best served cold. Just because this one time a hot guy hooked up with you doesn't mean you're the queen of the campus and all taken bfs want to get in your pants. Because you know why he even looked at you? Because he was freaking drunk, and you're easy. Oh and I forgot...by being drunk you usually forget when someone is FUGLY, inside out.
You and your friends should find some other sport to entertain yourselves with than talking crap about other people behind their backs. I mean, I was right there while you were bitching about some of MY friends and calling them names. Only because you're freaking jealous of them because their brains are actually in their heads and not up their arses like yours.
So next time you stare at me with your fake sarcastic smile or try to get into my boyfriend's way, know that there's only so much a girl can take before blowing your freaking brains (oh what, you don't have any- correction: boobs) off.
Declared by Need to vent. on Tuesday, January 8, 2013
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