Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoWhy does my husband insist on being friends with idiots? I feel so alone whenever he is with his friends, because his friends are so fricken dumb, not the kind of people I would ever want to associate with! Today after work I came home and felt like I could barely talk to him about my day, the fact that it was fabulous and I randomly ran into a friend I met at a friend's baby shower. Anyhow, it turns out he gets a call from his good friend who happens to be an alcoholic and recovering addict, saying that he just came out of jail because "his parents didn't sign a check that he cashed" when the truth is that he stole his parents check and lied about it to my husband. And my husband insists on supporting him through this. WTF. He doesn't even tell me anything that is going on with this dude, he doesn't think it's fucked up, and when I confront my husband about it, he just says, "He's a good guy" and "He's not all that bad" and "He needs me to set him straight in life". I think this dude is a huge idiot, he's a ^* up and he knows it, so why does he not fess up and ditch this idiot? Why on earth would he ever prefer spending time with this dude instead of me? And why is it that whenever he is with this guy, he seems to enjoy himself much more than he enjoys spending time with me, and why does he have good interactive conversations with this guy when I can barely get my husband's attention long enough to tell him about my day at work?? Obviously he likes this drunken criminal/thief more than he likes me and that is so #%$^$ up it really makes me feel like shit. If he prefers this guy over me, then I just must be the scum of the earth. WTF do I do.
Declared by Amanda on Thursday, February 7, 2013
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