Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoGet your fucking priorities in line! You're what, 15, 18, 21? And all you can think about is finding some fuckin' disrespectful punk to focus on instead of improving yourself and learning to love YOURSELF first. You spend all your time crying about or searching for some fuck-tard who's just lookin' to get laid and doesn't really have a fuckin' clue to begin with. What, all that so you two can have a big fight and you cry for a week and then go back to searching for someone else? Working your way through HIS group of friends for someone else who'll be just as useless? FOCUS on yourself - whether its work or school or reading a fucking book - other than Twilight or some other fucking drama. LEARN something that makes you special and talented instead of finding someone ELSE to make you whole. If you don't feel good about yourself, work on that first! Don't think laying down with some zit-faced asshole that works at a gas station or flips burgers is going to complete you. .... GET YOUR FUCKING PRIORITIES STRAIGHT or don't come fuckin' crying to me when you wake up and realize he's a fucktard.
Declared by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 4, 2013
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