Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoStop wallowing in self-pity induced self-righteous anger and hatred for one second and LOOK at what you are doing to your children! Your overwhelming need to have everyone on earth feel sorry for your struggles is screwing up those poor boys.
"Look at me! My children have ISSUES. Ok... granted, I CAUSED most of those issues... but look at me!"
Your five year old is so angry that he pushed his eight year old brother down a flight of stairs yesterday. He is so desperate for ATTENTION that he will do ANYTHING to get it. How did it take you five years to figure out your son was basically deaf and blind? Oh wait... you didn't! I did. I got the tubes placed in his ears when I dragged him to an audiologist and found out he could barely hear. I got him four pairs of glasses (because we KNEW you would "lose" them) when we found out he was so far-sighted that he had never actually SEEN any of our faces. You disgust me.
And your other son? The eight year old you tried to have determined autistic even though he clearly isn't? The one you drag to the psych ward every time he has an emotion? The one who sobbed on my bed one night because his mother had told him that his brain was bad and was causing him to behave this way? The one who believed for SO LONG that he was BROKEN and WORTHLESS because his mother had convinced him he was? The one who felt he had no control over anything? He's doing FINE, no thanks to you. He's learned that HE chooses how his day goes. He's learned that HE chooses his consequences, good and bad. His teacher is AMAZED at the difference in him from your weeks to mine. His therapist is AMAZED at the difference in him from your weeks to mine. HE is AMAZED that he is brilliant and funny and talented and artistic and incredibly loveable and worthwhile.
Get over yourself. LOOK at what you are doing to your children. Grow up and get some help. Anti-psychotics. Therapy. ECT. Whatever it takes for you to stop projecting your self-hatred and loathing onto two defenseless little children.
Declared by Defender of your wonderful, fabulous boys on Friday, January 3, 2014
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