Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoSO. I am leaving for college in less than one year. I am currently a senior in high school. and i, along with the majority of the teenage population, am treated like a child. My mother won't let me make my own breakfast because she says I "won't make it nutritious enough". She still checks my texts and scolds me for saying the word "ass" She monitors my outfits some days, and wouldn't let me wear my favorite skirt (which, by the way, covers my knee) in my senior pictures because it's "too slutty". REALLY???
She sometimes won't let me make plans because she "just wants me home tonight" and when i do stay home and try to hang out with her, she just sends me to my room to "get out from under her feet". My curfew is 6:30PM this year. I'm not allowed to get my ears double pierced. She is the most ridiculous human being I have ever met, gets mad over nothing, is a psychopathic bitch (and, by the way, al my friends agree-- even the ones who suck up to her), and she's a pain in my ass. I have a job, all A's and B's at school, my own car, i never borrow money, I take my little sister to and from her sports practices sometimes-- I have proven my responsibility to every extent. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why I am still treated like a FUCKING 5-year old even after trying to have numerous mature, calm talks with her about it.
HEY MOM. IT'S WAR. See you at Christmas when i come home from college with tattoos and a nose stud ;-) (p.s. fuck you)
Declared by sydney on Monday, August 11, 2014
Add a commentno offense, but she sounds absolutely NUTS. she needs to learn that you're growing up, and you won't be able to make any decisions on your own in college if she keeps spoon feeding you! you can tell her i said that too.
By Erika on Monday, August 11, 2014 at 10:05pm
i agree. she sounds nuts.....exactly like my mother when i was that age and even now at over the hill age. take it from me. she won't change. good luck to you and may you have strength to be the person you want to be in spite of her stupid opinion! i know how you feel. and yes. the first thing i did when i left for college was put a second hole in both ears.
By former spoon fed victim on Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at 1:43pm