Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoPlease stop stalking me. Just stop. If you cannot deal with the situation or me, either commit to leaving, like you said you would, or come and talk to me about it personally. You have blocked me on every way possible, yet you think it is even moderately okay to keep stalking me? You are degrading me by doing that. Because of YOUR ACTIONS, I may have to delete my blog, I may have to delete my facebook, my everything, just because you have blocked me, but think you can get away with stalking me? I cannot even begin to describe how incredibly offending and creepy that is. What is it with your obsession? Can't you get over it? Can't you get over ME? then fucking come and talk to me. Flat out stalking me is inappropriate, gives a horrible sense of dread to me, because I have NO WAY of calling you out on it, other than make it extremely public, which I don't want to do. I don't even know if you will be seeing this. You are literally degrading me in the most passive-aggressive, creepy way possible. You are forcing me to completelly withdraw my entire personality and identity, name and face out of the internet with this behaviour. If you don't negotiate or stop it this instant, I will have to do just that, and oh, it will become a /r/letsnotmeet if you don't start to solve it this instant. I am so incredibly fed up with this. I know I'm typing lowercase and trying to be all appropriate here, but I would be screaming and summoning pagan gods on you if you could hear me. I don't even have an insult that could sum up all the offense and nuisance you have caused me to feel. I am trembling with anger. I have an exam week right FUCKING NOW, and you are doing this? I should be studying some of the subjects I am not particularly good at to even PASS them, but I can't study because all I'm thinking about is the sense of helplessness and vulnerability this gives me. Do you even understand what this will cause? I will have to change my entire art style and probably never show my face on the internet ever again, because you'd probably actively try to find me, or at least I feel like you would try to do so. I'm glad that you found someone else to give you meaningless little compliments and be your emotional supply and boost your obsessive ego. Do you know what you are doing to me? Do you know what you are doing? ARE YOU HAPPY? Are you happy because you can completely destroy my social life on the internet? Are you happy that you are literally forcing me to completely become a new person? make new EVERYTHING? You are what parents warn their kids about. And not in a good way. You are a literal STALKER.
And you didn't think I would ever figure it out? shame on you. What the fuck is wrong with you, seriously? You have issues, go get them sorted out with a professional or something, for fucks sake. STOP obsessing over me, You're NO BETTER than Celeste. in fact, if you continue like this, you will be even worse. ARE YOU HAPPY?
Declared by Anonymous on Thursday, September 24, 2015
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