Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoAfter all these years of you messing with me, I hope you appreciate that I am fighting back...but you didn't count on the fact that I fight dirty, did ya?
You thought you were so clever for so long, but who was wearing the clever trousers THAT day, huh?
I will keep fucking with your headspace until you finally just go away. Keep walkin', honey. You've done enough damage, and now I'm standing firm to keep you the hell out of our lives.
Go find a hobby, because if you keep messing with us, you will find that what I've done is just a small taste of what kind of hell I can rain down upon you.
I know your every weakness, your every soft spot. Do you really want me to keep poking at them? No? Then fuck off already.
I tried for years to play nicely, all the while ya'll were total asses to me and my kids. Well, the days of Mrs. Niceguy are over.
I have a side to me you only thought you suspected was inside. You have no fucking clue. You don't know the shit I've been through in my life.
You have zero clue what I've learned from other assholes before you. I played my cards well all these years, and now I've taken off my gloves and shown you my claws.
Take the hint. The days of me tolerating your cruelty and malice are OVER.
Declared by The Attitude Adjuster on Saturday, January 28, 2017
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