Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoBehold, all you morons who take a paycheck for finding excuses not to do the work they pay you to do, the bloody and burning day of jihad is come upon you!! And to you slimy post-ers of coy hints about how fucking important you are and how many fucking important people you know, be damned to you!! All you stupid bastards/bastardettas who can't find the time to do your stupid made-to-order nylon-infested high-heel-gawking executive jobs, but can find PLENTY of time to talk on the phone and have lunch with people who are willing to grease your poles for whatever little scraps of attention they can get out of you, may you sink in a sea of tangled polyester, drown in acid-print velvet, and be seen no more!! And may you, whose only work is the pleasure of grinding their serfs' faces into the hard-wearing, environmentally raping, yet inexpensive corporate carpeting; to take food out of the mouths of your serfs' dogs and/or children and call them ugly on top of it; and to spend the entire planet's resources to bolster your fascist egos and make you feel like you aren't the unbelievably pathetic posing losers you are -- yes, YOU, you fatuous blasphemous bags of ill wind that blow anything that looks like it might be up and coming -- yes, may you rot in the hell of four-day-old sushi FOREVER!!
Declared by Just One More Bullshit Weary and Oppressed Serf on Monday, July 16, 2012
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