Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
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Declared by ojjuror on Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I think I love you.
Tell you? I can't.
Hold it in? I don't think I can.
"You keep me from falling apart"
I want to be in your grasp forever.
You're all I need.
I never though I could move on from the last person but then I met you and I got myself together and picked up the pieces that were shattered...
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Declared by LFSJ on Thursday, September 10, 2009
dear brian,
here is some advice, do not tell me that your interested and ask me on a date and flirt with me ,and then get back with your ex the next da.
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Declared by sheashea on Monday, June 6, 2011
May your dick fall off painfully and may you go broke, you piece of shit, deadbeat dad.
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Declared by Anonymous on Monday, February 25, 2008
You cheated me and tried to destroy me. I was kind to you
For that may you suffer 1000 papercuts!!
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, March 13, 2009
I think my female friend is not happy with my male friend contacting me first about an event. Somehow I think she likes him. I dont like him that way. He's a friend. I dont mind if they end up together.
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Declared by erterte on Sunday, July 10, 2011
You're corndog-based nastiness has gone too far! I'm declaring Jihad against you and your deepfried beliefs.
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Declared by Capt. Jihad on Monday, October 8, 2007
For emailing your ex girlfriend, going to a bar every Sunday for a month without telling me, keeping a random hook-up's number in a cell phone you got after we started dating and constantly not telling me or straight out lying about a certain smoking recreation that you have.
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Declared by a on Thursday, February 7, 2008
Kudos to you BITCH for dating my ex now! Good luck trying to give better head than I do!
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, April 20, 2012
I hate you for everything you made me go through. I hate myself even more for letting it get to me so much. But on top of all these, I think I'm glad for the way things turned out, and I'm hopeful for the way things are turning out, and I look forward to what might be coming my way in the future. So good...
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Declared by Blah on Sunday, March 9, 2008
JIHAD ON YOU! I loved you and now you have a boyfriend? Thanks for ruining my life.
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Declared by Crazy-Stalker-Chick on Friday, August 7, 2009
The Soldiers of Allah (anti-Gay Regiment) Hath declared this Jihad upon thee for the following attrocities: Displaying ineracial and homosexual picsations and/or images on your computer screen so that they may be viewd by those are who are not gay in so that you might poison their minds as yours is...
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Declared by Nathan on Thursday, November 1, 2007
What is your problem dude? You had the opportunity to hang with an amazing guy, and you blew it by deciding to get fucked up drunk with your friends!
I hope your friends will keep you company in rehab...and I hope that you eventually figure out that you're nowhere near as good looking as you think you are.
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Declared by Marc on Sunday, October 7, 2007
I never asked for any form of romance. I never wanted love. There some people in this world that are'nt meant for love and I knew from the begining that I was one of them. But you convinced me otherwise and I was foolish enough to believe you. I let you raise my hopes so high and then I catch you with her!?...
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 15, 2011
OMG! Don't fucking marry Pooca you insolent queer. I bet you're gay! ARGH! why are you engaged? You don't want to be! GGRRRAAAAARRRRRRRRRGH!
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, November 17, 2007
Stop being such a cuntface! I know you don't dig me as a boyfriend and all but do you have make me feel like a shitbag by insulting me in class every goddamn day IN ADDITION to turning me down when I asked you out? How did I even like you? Go eat a bag of dicks you fucking slut! your stomach is a water well...
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Declared by Irate and Lonely on Monday, December 3, 2007
You left used me and let me support you for 2 years, you were down and I lifeted you up, you needed love and I gave it to you. Then, when I was going through a mild dperession and dealing with some life challenges, you just left me. You gave nothing, you never tried to help me.
A fiery car crash would be...
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Declared by Nah on Saturday, October 25, 2014
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Declared by Anonymous on Monday, June 9, 2014
I love him & idgaf if you think hes a jerk, stupid, a loser, or any of ur nonsense crap! i told you how i felt about him, and u friggin LAUGHED IN MY FACE about it. thank go in a few months i'll never see you fake, annoying beotches again! ...too bad i wont see *him* either. go girls, go sit in a hole 'till...
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Declared by Hurt on Wednesday, February 1, 2012
You are the biggest whore ever, and everyone knows it but you. You would literally have sex with anyone, even my friends, just because you feel like it, without any regard for my feelings. You use people for alcohol and sex. Honestly, you are nowhere near as pretty as you think you are and will never achieve...
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Declared by Ray on Friday, March 25, 2011