Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
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Declared by son of a fucking asshole on Wednesday, April 8, 2015
She is an evil ice queen with no heart. She is a spoilt brat who makes everyone feel worthless.
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Declared by Why am i even doing this on Friday, June 26, 2015
she tipped over my expensive as hell acrylic blender and i want her to fucking die
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, February 4, 2017
seriously child its time to go to fucking sleep!!!
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, October 5, 2012
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Declared by The Oppresorator on Monday, October 8, 2007
Middle siblings
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Declared by Jay on Monday, October 8, 2007
You're pretty lackluster with your nephew behavior problem not ever using cold shoulder but when do small thing like a slap on the wrist you go ham on me. You are spoiling him faster than milk on a hot summer day, fuck you caramel skinned weave wearing DYKE. You must like living in that glass house hope you...
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Declared by Anonymous on Sunday, April 22, 2018
I hate my parents. they are pathetic low lives who think that their feelings are the only ones that matter. They do not respect my privacy. They do not respect my opinions. They do not respect my tastes. they do not respect that i am a human being separate from the crazy shit that goes on in their heads. I...
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Declared by Caz on Monday, September 24, 2012
Catan is a nice person and a nice dad but he has such a bad humour and is stressed all the time.Also he doesnt like pure, so we declare a Jihad on him
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, January 1, 2010
im 13 and she keeps saying to grow up and act my age when she is the one who doesn't even let me go to kfc that's 7 mins away with my very good group of friends. shes always compares me to my other friends and says stuff lie 'why cant you be like her','look shes so pretty','shes really skinny' so when i say...
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Declared by help me on Friday, September 15, 2017
Jihad on you! fuck you.... why do you keep pissing me off? you can just go fuck yourself you hoe!
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Declared by SHITTY on Monday, May 16, 2016
Dumme Hure
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Declared by Sven on Monday, October 22, 2007
Dear Dad, thanks so much for coming into my life and ruining it. I don't even see why you are trying to blast at people. I'm not saying that you deserve to encounter business problems. BUT DOES THAT GIVE YOU THE DAMN RIGHT TO COME HOME AND BLAST AT MY MOM AND ME SAYING WE ARE USELESS. I'll really appreciate...
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Declared by Screw my life on Monday, February 16, 2015
My father verbally abuses me and i can't fucking take it anymore! So FUCK you dad and i declare the unholiest of fucking jihads on you!
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, November 9, 2013
My abusive mother, who has always physically beaten me and verbally abused me, NEVER sleeps. She's 81 years old, and she stays awake up to 72 hours, like the a-hole she is. My horrible mother stays awake for literally days at a time, either reading the same newspaper article hundreds of times in a row, or...
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Declared by anon. on Wednesday, February 24, 2016
You are a fucking family anihalating, sucubus whore that has literally thrived off my personal agony, the way a blood sucking parasite takes to one's open sores! Couldn't raise YOUR kids right; got one homo weirdo and one fatass man pleasing slut. both dislike you so you decided to take over MY FAMILY to try...
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Declared by unecessary on Thursday, August 1, 2013
*facepalm*.....What is up with her parents? Do they have something against technology? betcha they are one of those people that believe that Technology is Evvviiilll =n=; and wish for it to be Bannnneeeddd!!! And also even more retarded is that her phone has nothing to do with going somewhere after school....
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Declared by DoReMiRocker(AKA Shorara) on Sunday, January 27, 2013
i cant belive after all i have done for you and how we both lost our mother becouse of you wanting a better life you would turn on the only person who stood up for you. Well little sister i think your selfish and spoiled i hope the new family and boyfriend who by the way is a loser !!Make you happy. Also i...
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Declared by pissed off in the middle of noweresville on Friday, February 26, 2010
Disrespect of my wishes for a family photo in the immediate future and in the manner of my choosing.
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Declared by David Clausen on Thursday, December 6, 2007
If there is such a thing as karma, boy are you FUCKED!!!! YOU DISGUSTING WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! You have well and truly sunk your diseased, venemous, gold digging, fucking fake assed psycho bitch fangs into your husbands family. But do you know something?......YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE EACH OTHER! From...
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Declared by Anon on Friday, March 21, 2014