Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
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Declared by :( on Wednesday, December 23, 2015
You are just another "Catherine Earnshaw" and I am not going to be another "Heathcliff!" I hope your "Edgar Linton" has indulged you and gave you all the the security you ask for...except for happiness.
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Declared by JB on Sunday, August 2, 2015
you gave me the best night i have ever had. you were sweet, romantic, funny... everything i ever wanted in a guy. you were the first one i've ever felt good about. you made me so happy. we hated to be apart, but that one night reminded us that distance doesnt always matter. you know what? you fucked that up....
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Declared by twentyone. on Saturday, December 6, 2008
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Declared by Andrew on Monday, May 25, 2015
You have made my life a living hell and you blame ME? What goes around, comes around. ED, yr ass wiper, your health, your job, your kid.....it's payback time. Carry on blaming me you perfect piece of shit. IDGAF. What you hate YOU created, not me. Go bully someone else you abusive animal. My time is NOW.
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Declared by The "Wrong" One on Friday, November 6, 2015
We've been through a lot! We've hated and needed each other, or at least I thought so. I knew you'd never love me, but I grew attached anyway, despite your warning. I told you I loved you and your reaction was, "okay." I don't have it in me to stop with this, but I have to move on. You can't love me, you...
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Declared by Max on Thursday, May 3, 2018
This girl hasn't noticed me in two years despite all my efforts to be nice to her so you know what, fuck her!
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Declared by Anonymous on Thursday, September 7, 2017
Jihad on myself... I ruined my chance with a girl I am in love with. I will never forgive myself... so it's Jihad time bitches! Bring yo' AKs, bring those grenades nigga' 'coz this means war. Swallow it! Swallow it, nigga'!!!
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Declared by NWA on Sunday, January 13, 2013
So, it was all about security huh? After all this time. Not about faith, hope, trust, not about the heart, not about love, but by using your head. So, you now got your big shot account exec, with a fat salary and fat bank account. BRAVO! I hope he gets tired of you and leaves you for someone younger.
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, May 17, 2014
fuck u
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Declared by fuckker on Wednesday, February 24, 2016
I am going to jihad you, Glenn. Why won't you accept my advances? I just want you for one last infidelity. PLEASE - homosexuality isn't a crime. It is a righteous passion, and we will not be judged for it.
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Declared by Woody on Thursday, February 5, 2009
So (stereo)typical. Of course you didn't have the guts to make a decent break-up *before* getting all close and intimate with that art historian. Well, fuck each other's brains out, for all I care. You're not getting your BSG dvds back.
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Declared by cjfdjghvbm on Sunday, May 9, 2010
Dear Gatekeeper, thank you for making me suffer all these years thinking
about you. I almost risked going the deep end recently, but I finally
convinced myself that you are just pretending to like me back in college.
You don't know the hell I have gone through just to work things out, that
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Declared by Keymaster on Tuesday, August 12, 2014
You know the reason why we drifted apart?
We men aren't telepaths.
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Declared by JB from ADV33 1989 on Saturday, September 5, 2015
I'm tired of people using me. Especially boyfriends. They want gifts expensive ones...yet they are too broke to give me anything. They can't even buy me a fucking cup of coffee! And they make me feel guilty for not sharing and giving them what they want. Fuck that! I trust no one and I only will make ME...
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Declared by H. Mad As Hell on Friday, January 13, 2012
You suck dude. We had a great thing going and you blew it. I'm glad your wife left you.
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Declared by Your former girl on Thursday, December 6, 2007
He has STD’s, he likes child pornography, is alocoholic, his father is alcoholic too, her mother was a prostitute. he is a liar, he is the worst.
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Declared by Dalia I Morales on Thursday, November 27, 2014
I have a friend named Alex. Alex likes my other friend, Emma. Alex often comes to me for advice on Emma, until he confesses and finds out she just wants to be friends. Alex really loves her, and wants her to love him so still continues to come to me for advice. Emma really likes Aaron, a complete douchebag,...
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Declared by Peaches on Sunday, January 5, 2014
I love butt sex with you but now that you have cheated on me with jackson, I feel our love is lost.
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Declared by Anonymous on Wednesday, February 3, 2016
You are all a bunch of cheaters and self-absorb nitwits! You dish it out and then you get angry when someone else dishes it right back to you. If you don't like crap, then don't throw crap. Morons!!!
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Declared by Whatever! on Friday, April 11, 2008