Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoTo the lying fakest back sliding christian I know. You are really something else you claim you so righteous but then you out here spending your money tricking and using other people to get over. It is a shame that you are willing to lie on others to make you feel better about the your habits. You can use...
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Declared by Secret Lover on Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Here I am on a beautiful Saturday doing laundry, babysitting my husband's friend's dog while he goes 4-wheeling with some girl i've never met before clinging onto the back of him---why can't she just ride with her "boyfriend" who i've also never met?---and he never even invited me to go with!!! Never texted...
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Declared by Cindy on Saturday, July 7, 2012
Why do I have to love my husband so much?! I cannot stop thinking about him - I adore him - I love him - I miss him all the time. He's the best thing in my life :P
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Declared by Anonymous on Thursday, December 20, 2007
been in love with my friend for the longest time! we even kissed once (after a few drinks)...it never progressed into anything more though...he is now asking me to fix him up with a friend of mine who he met. he told me she is the kinda gal he would even propose to!
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Declared by zaza on Thursday, December 27, 2012
Jihad on you, you selfish cunt. Your words are nothing but venom, poisoning my life and my heart. I breath funny, and you bitch. I cook you dinner, and you bitch that it wasn't served fast enough. You whine and complain, yet you don't realize that you're driving me away with your self-centered cunt-ness....
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Declared by Fed up. on Sunday, January 3, 2010
My asshole boyfriend is trying to make me jealous by hitting on girls who are way younger than him! I want to scream at him every time he ignores me or gives me one-word responses. Think you can make me jealous?? JIHAD ON YOU!
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Declared by Christina on Tuesday, December 14, 2010
So today I had coffee with me & I was gonna take the bus. So when I got on I asked the bus driver " if I ask you if you can put my drink in your cup holder, will you do it??" And he says "I don't have a cup holder. I just have one for my water." And I was "oh... Ok" and he says "yeah... What? You can't hold...
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, September 5, 2015
What's it gonna be Kenpo or Jujitsu or Jiujitsu ?
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Declared by Greg on Monday, October 29, 2007
Gosh , this is stupid!
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Declared by Gosh Im brown x on Sunday, January 10, 2010
Julie, you've had 6 kids with 3 men, married 5 times, use everybody and everything to manipulate any situation to your advantage. You pass love for money w/ ugly, out of shape men. Your a awful Mother too
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Declared by J. Wilson on Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Hi Stacy Dodd. Got your rocks off lately? What? No pussy? Geeze! Oh! I forgot you are a pussy. Damn, Man, You gotta get a life. Still whacking off? C'mon, swap hands sometimes.
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Declared by Shadrach Ahmed Jahinijad on Thursday, October 16, 2008
Go home already so he can shut up!
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Declared by Not so plain white T on Monday, October 8, 2007
Aqui eu tinha que escrever a minha jihad...
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Declared by Sigrid on Monday, October 8, 2007
They are WAY to flipping young and immature to be getting married!! He's in debt and cheats on people, she's pompous and stuck-up thinking that HER wedding is the best ever.... WHAT-THE HELL-EVER!!!!
I'm glad we aren't together anymore.... he's an asshole who cheated on me, and she's a bitch who thinks...
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Declared by Single and loving it on Friday, July 4, 2008
Everytime I give you a bit of trust, you abuse it. Im tired of being the "nice" guy. Ive been involved with more people than I can count. Ive found 3 people worth giving my all to, all of which fucked it up due to some insecurity, or some issues. All three lied, deceived, and bitch when I have issues...
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Declared by pk on Monday, July 18, 2011
Wow from Delvin to Joy both from Radazz and both ginger you sure like to make peeps jealos
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, July 14, 2012
me so mad mad that choo left me.
me so cry all day and all night.
me so jump out of the building.
me so end
me so sad.
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Declared by fraulein jar jarette on Monday, October 29, 2007
Having the perfect boyfriend. DANG YOU!!!
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Declared by Anonymous on Thursday, November 29, 2007
god dammit kyle. i put a jihad on you.
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Declared by dirhka dirhka mohammed jihad on Friday, April 24, 2009
Stop being such a whining emo pussy already. It's so unattractive. That girl you like is going to run like the devil himself was after her, you pathetic insecure piece of stoat feces.
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Declared by JK on Friday, October 12, 2007