Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoJulie, you've had 6 kids with 3 men, married 5 times, use everybody and everything to manipulate any situation to your advantage. You pass love for money w/ ugly, out of shape men. Your a awful Mother too
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Declared by J. Wilson on Tuesday, March 4, 2014
I was 11 when i playing 'tag' with my then best friend seth. I started calling him child as a joke, because i was that kind of weird kid i thought that was funny, and i just went along with it because he was my friend. well anyway, this turned into our own game between me and a friend and seth and his friend...
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Declared by Abel Schoneveld on Monday, March 2, 2015
These guys put me into a mortgage where my payment has more than doubled in less than three years. Now, I'm facing foreclosure and going to move into a @#%$#@$ apartment - thanks again and a Jihad On You!!!!!!
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Declared by Marko on Monday, October 8, 2007
Ahahahaha I just wanted to put a jihad on you. Love!
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Declared by Edd 'straight' Mills on Monday, October 8, 2007
You ruin Lake Erie. You ruin Niagara Falls. Quit polluting.
Make sure you keep your bodies of WATER from catching on fire!
I determine to see you flattened.
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Declared by Jay on Tuesday, October 9, 2007
It has surpassed my expectations The standard of it was dirty. How could you do it. It was embarrasing on your part and really made you look stupid. Justice will be served
wallahi you will not get away with the crimes you have commited during ramzan
khuda hafiz
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Declared by ilada khan on Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Sippy Cups,
You have defiled the true and organic name of Slick's Fantasy Football League. You robotic and algorithmic tendencies and impartiality have destroyed any vestige of honor that has blessed this Fantasy league institution.
On behalf of all 11 owners with financial support the the Inventor...
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Declared by Lone Wizards on Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I declare the holy war on the inner tempation that makes you skip your workout and just hang out on the sofa.
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Declared by PlayersPrayers on Friday, October 19, 2007
Until Google will stop banning porn from the sponsored results I'll do all in my power to destroy them.
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Declared by H. Hefner on Monday, October 29, 2007
I declare holy Jihad on project managers who write the new specs for software they have not even bothered to use.
Wo xi wang ni man man si, dan kuai dian xia di yu!
(yes I am learning to curse in Mandarin so they don't know what I am saying :)
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Declared by verminator on Wednesday, November 28, 2007
When your children lend good advice, don't disregard it simply because they're your children. Being older doesn't make you smarter, it just means your closer to the age where it's time to start wearing diapers once more. Jihad!!!
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Declared by Allah's disciple on Wednesday, July 16, 2008
you Asshole.
You Piss me off!
Don't you have anything better to do than going on my Nerves and coming everytime you are the most unwanted.
And the worst is you damn hole in my stomach don't know the Time to leave because once you have hi-jacked me you will never go away.
Untill I eat...
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Declared by Dennis on Friday, July 25, 2008
Hi Stacy Dodd. Got your rocks off lately? What? No pussy? Geeze! Oh! I forgot you are a pussy. Damn, Man, You gotta get a life. Still whacking off? C'mon, swap hands sometimes.
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Declared by Shadrach Ahmed Jahinijad on Thursday, October 16, 2008
Why can't it just work correctly?!?!
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I just hate it when people talk about how hard their lives are without a job, and someone calls it "self pity". What the heck? Why use this term instead of helping them out?
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Declared by Anonymous on Saturday, August 15, 2009
I declare a full Jihad upon Sean for the wet arse incident
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Declared by Al on Wednesday, March 10, 2010
This will be my new base internet site.
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Declared by hello on Saturday, June 4, 2011
God damn you, Katie. This sin't the kind of fucking friendship I ever wanted. I want to just block you and nver fucking speak to you again but at the same time here I am planning out a cool birthday surprise for you. We're so similar in everything BUT personality and it's so god damned frustrating! Why are...
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Declared by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 10, 2013
You are crazy bitch!!!!
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Declared by The truth on Tuesday, August 7, 2012
you think you're so cool
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Declared by Anonymous on Sunday, June 2, 2013