Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoAnother month goes by and I can't make my mortgage payment. How pathetic is it that I'm sitting here reading up on defaulting and voluntary foreclosure?
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Declared by Broke-ass on Tuesday, March 11, 2008
You dress like a Jew, ohh yes you do!
Don't lie, my boy, I know you do!
So are...you a Jew?
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Declared by SpongeBob on Thursday, January 10, 2008
you fucked up my car business in the ukraine, i'm gonna mess up your shit so bad you won't know its your shit.
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Declared by muhammed abdel pre-sidente on Monday, October 8, 2007
You guys call yourselves Internet Service Providers, you guys are a bunch of dumb shits! Your service sucks, it doesn't work even HALF the time and its slow as hell!
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Declared by Bell Hater on Thursday, October 11, 2007
bible dude,how are you even in that book, you are so overrated
i mean Oh my fucking god ;
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Declared by bitter on Monday, February 16, 2009
Heathrow 'Express', I jihad you with your own shitty slow wireless while I sit waiting to move the last 100 fucking metres into Paddington and while five slow trains pass us. You fucks
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Declared by Anonymous on Sunday, December 12, 2010
Going on strike - delaying iPhone shipments into the UK by a week or more
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Declared by Anonymous on Monday, October 8, 2007
Ik verklaar je de Jihad!
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Declared by Guus on Monday, June 25, 2012
I wanna Fucking harder with God of ALA Ala hu Akbar Suck his Cock
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Declared by Kamohad on Tuesday, March 4, 2014
You are invented to make an application seem as if it has been through several revisions even though it still throws random errors.
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Bomb the shit out of israel,they are the children of Satan
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Rörrrörörörörör, manitou's axe upon thee, heretic, and may evil spit on thy window anytime soon.
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Declared by Vuksipallero X on Sunday, October 7, 2007
You send useless blank emails that fill my junk file!
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Declared by Brent on Sunday, October 7, 2007
For knowingly and wantingly dealing in business with the infidel and for impersonating the prophet
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Declared by Jon Withaar on Sunday, October 14, 2007
G.K. Chesterton is a tool! Woody Allen quotes are where it's at!
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Declared by Jonny on Monday, October 8, 2007
I want to unsubscribe from your cable TV services. Why is it so complicated? Why should I go through your call routing system and wait about 20 minutes and even more? Why do I have then to wait for a customer relation representative to call me? Why the hell can't that representative just disconnect me...
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, October 3, 2008
Droopy, you are a monotoned cartoon character who thinks you know everything. You drove me out of toonland with your dullness.
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, October 19, 2007
Your stupid policies on authorising FAMILY MEMBERS to collect postal articles should earn you a real JIHAD. Death to all old-fashioned policy-makers!!
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Declared by Your once faithful customer on Monday, July 20, 2009
Fucking fake bitch! Fuck off!
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I hereby declare Jihad on the cowards threatening LiveLeak Staff, who are so cowardly they cannot even show their faces!
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Declared by Richy Dong on Saturday, March 29, 2008