Jihad on you! is a satirical website for venting frustrations. Its creators do not condone any kind of violence.
Find out more | Contact infoDota 2 is best pony.
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Declared by Sonny Bishop on Friday, March 8, 2013
Los Angeles MTA bus service I is the worst, because the lazy bus drivers are always late, sleeping at their stopover instead of picking up passengers. The drivers for Bus Lines 150 and 240 along Ventura Blvd. in the southern San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles are particularly guilty of this. Lazy...
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Declared by frustrated passenger on Monday, January 23, 2017
Thank you for making jihad so funny!
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Declared by Habib it's funny right? on Monday, October 8, 2007
You are an infidel and a Cristian you must be killed, i place an informal JIHAD on you!
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Declared by Tom on Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I'm so addicted to pornography and its taking over my life :(
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Declared by Jihadi Jihadist on Saturday, May 26, 2018
Friend #1: The self serving asshole. You used me for my car. Got somewhere to go mommy won't take you? You'd just call me up and ask to hang out, then say you'd want to go over to that place, and, being the gullible nice guy that I am, took you there on my own expense and nodded like a moron when you said...
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 28, 2011
just a normal day - various individuals who i would personally slit their throats with no hesitation...... pull apart their bodies like dead animals..... then go get me something to eat... this thought cycle repeats every school week... This something that i want to release to see that face of fear before...
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Declared by an odd child on Sunday, March 17, 2013
You fucking sociopaths have miserable lives, and will have no happiness the rest of your useless lives. Rot in hell!Karma is a bitch!
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Declared by Anonymous on Sunday, December 20, 2015
Your poor dog is a huge hunting dog and you people are couch potatoes. As a result, your dog runs all over the apartment all day. He sounds like he's playing football. Then he runs all over the place after you get home and I get the added pleasure of hearing you scream at him to stop. Fuck you people.
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Declared by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Fuck You Detective Tony Pinnock of the Toronto Police. You THIEF, Wife Cheater and Dickhead!
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Declared by Someone on Friday, February 16, 2018
No, I don't want to come to your drinking party for some colleague with who I was on nodding-acquaintance terms at best. I would rather do something interesting or productive, but screw it, I'll come along and make everyone feel uncomfortable just because my day was going fine until you screwed it up by...
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Declared by Anonymous on Sunday, September 18, 2011
I don't expect any of you to read or rate my vent(big surprise as i'm always ignored), but I feel like if I vent on Twitter, I'm disturbing my followers peace. I just realized I think of people first instead of me...
You see, I hate being poor, or in other words, being a minor and not having money on my...
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Declared by WtfGIRL on Sunday, September 29, 2013
I'm sick of you making my life awesome then taking the fun away at the last second! I'm sick of you being a total asshole just because you feel like it! you can die in a hole, alone, with no friends.
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Declared by lifehater827 on Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Oh bitch, you’re gonna burn and die one day and you can take your shitty attitude problem with you. Nothing but a brat, and a slut. you deserve everything that’s coming to you... karma is going to destroy you and everyone close to you. fuck you.
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, January 12, 2018
Jacqueline Ziegler Walker and www.afloridadivorce.com
Clean up your own backyard before you screw up people's divorces. Are you practicing law without a license again?
Jackie's record:
Domestic Violence...
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Declared by Dr. Phillip Ziegler on Saturday, May 14, 2011
I have small boobies :(
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Declared by Anonymous on Friday, February 11, 2011
These fucking uppity-ass lying-ass nationalist-ass ugly-ass racist-ass homophobic-ass sexist-ass republican-ass private school fucktards always bitching about things they know nothing about!!!!!! FUCK THEM ALL. Drew O. is a mentally deranged psychopath who is so fucked up that I can't even look at him...
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Declared by Venting on Friday, January 20, 2017
Are you hosting a TV show or a eye rolling contest? Is the show a display of dumb expressions, or a re-told crime drama?
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Declared by ID Watcher on Tuesday, April 8, 2014
I wish I had listened to my boy not to hook up with this wretched fat cow, everyone know she nasty. Watch out - she has a thing for dark meat and hooking up at work.
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Declared by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Something that kind of makes me laugh now. In primary school, I was "friends" with someone. I used to see her seven days a week. We lived on the same street, same nationality, went to the same primary school and went to the same church. I ended up doing really well during primary school and she got jealous....
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Declared by gdfgd on Tuesday, July 12, 2011